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We are dedicated to cruelty-free living through a vegan lifestyle according to Judeo-Christian ethics. Unconditional love and compassion is the foundation of our peaceful means of accomplishing this goal for all of God's creatures, whether human or otherwise. See more about our philosophy.

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Feature for Friday, January 24
One Health by Dr. Michael W. Fox one health book
One Health: Veterinary, Ethical and Environmental Perspectives is a new book from Dr. Michael W. Fox. It examines the interconnected nature of human and non-human animal health, climate change, and our impact on the environment. Dr. Fox suggests an approach based in holistic preventive health-care maintenance to combat the issues facing our health, our planet, and all those who reside here.
Book Recommendations

Feature for Thursday, January 23
Vegan Ayurveda
breakfast bowl
Victoria Moran shares her experience following an ayurvedic lifestlye and how simple substitutions can allow us to eat both ayurvedically and vegan.
Articles Reflecting a Vegan Lifestyle / Animals: Tradition—Philosophy—Religion Article

Feature for Wednesday, January 22 January 22 Newsletter
trees and smoke
How wildfires impact wildlife – alternatives to animal testing – celebrating Coretta Scott King – intersectionality and animals – Dr. Will Tuttle's vegan journey – Gaia [poem by J.H. Dickinson] – Elon Musk's brain experiments on monkeys – the importance of consistent anti-oppression – Dr. Milton Mills discusses being a Black, vegan doctor during Trump's first term – resources for bringing veganism to your place of worship – and more… Weekly Newsletter

Feature for Tuesday, January 21
Elon Musk's Cruel Brain Experiments
For many years Neuralink has subjected monkeys to experiments involving invasive brain implants even though promising noninvasive brain-machine interfaces are already being implemented and improving patients' lives.
Animals in Labs

Feature for Monday, January 20
The Importance of Consistent Anti-Oppression
progress pride flag
The Vegan Rainbow project interviews Julia Feliz about their activism, publishing company, and the importance of consistent anti-oppression.
Animal Rights/Vegan Activist Strategies

Feature for Sunday, January 19
Righteousness Versus Self-righteousness
Lamb Krishna
Righteousness versus self-righteousness is a condition of the soul and spirit and reflects either the heavenly nature or the worldly nature of each of us.
[Pictured is Krishna from Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary]
An Bible Sermons

Feature for Saturday, January 18
Apple Sauce, Uncooked
Wash and clean any variety of apples you like for this recipe. Each variety has its own flavor and degree of sweetness or tartness. The skins can even be left on for color.
Vegan Recipes

Animals Slaughtered:

Number of animals killed in the world by the fishing, meat, dairy and egg industries, since you opened this webpage.

0marine animals
0cows / calves
0pigeons / other birds
0donkeys and mules
0camels / camelids