Implore Perrysburg High School to End Cruel Tradition of Swallowing Goldfish
Action Alert from


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
February 2014


Please urge Perrysburg High School administrators to put a permanent end to goldfish swallowing events—then forward this alert far and wide!

goldfish swallowing

Polite comments can be sent to:

Michael Short, Principal
Perrysburg High School
phone (419( 874-3181
[email protected]

Thomas Hosler, Superintendent
Perrysburg Schools
[email protected]
(419) 874-9131, ext. 2103


Fish are far more complex than many people realize, and experts agree that they are capable of great suffering. However, students at Perrysburg High School in Perrysburg, Ohio, engage in the gruesome “tradition” of swallowing live goldfish during halftime at basketball games—and with the apparent support of school administrators!

Dooming these tiny animals, who have no means of escape, to an agonizing death in a bath of digestive acids is grossly inhumane. It also poses health risks to humans because of potential parasite and disease (salmonella) transmission.

PETA asked school officials to end this activity for the sake of both students and goldfish, but to no avail. We need your voice now!

[Ed. Note: For more, visit]

Thank you for everything you do for animals!

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