Chicken ExploitationChicken Exploitation - Broiler Meat Production
An Animal Exploitation Photo Journal and Gallery Presentation from

This all creatures animal exploitation photo gallery about chickens is being presented to show the public the difference between the cute animals we see in advertising and picture in our minds and the reality that exists in the world.

Chicken Exploitation - Broiler Meat Production - 02

Chicken Exploitation - Broiler Meat Production - 02
(Chicken Exploitation - Broiler Meat Production - 02) This is another view of chickens who are raised for meat being crowded by the thousands in "grower houses." Approximately nine billion chickens like these are slaughtered every year in the U. S.. They are being deprived of their God-given liberty for their entire lives.  This is evil!  The Bible teaches us that we are to "rule" over the animals in the same way we expect our elected government officials to "rule" over us.
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Photo from: Farm Sanctuary

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