This all creatures animal exploitation photo gallery about NAME is being presented to show the public the difference between the cute animals we see in advertising and picture in our minds and the reality that exists in the world.
(Ducks and Geese Exploitation - Down - 02) The coldhearted and cruel down
industry often plucks geese alive in order to get their down— the soft layer of
feathers closest to a bird's skin. These feathers are used to produce clothing
and comforters, but for geese and ducks, the down industry's methods are
anything but comfortable. Live plucking causes birds considerable pain and
distress. Once their feathers are ripped out, many of the birds, paralyzed with
fear, are left with gaping wounds—some even die as a result of the procedure.
Workers often sew the birds' skin back together without using any anesthetics.
| Ducks and Geese Exploitation |
Photo from: United Poultry Concerns (UPC)