Elephant ExploitationElephant Exploitation
An Animal Exploitation Photo Journal and Gallery Presentation from All-Creatures.org

This all creatures animal exploitation photo gallery about elephants is being presented to show the public the difference between the cute animals we see in advertising and picture in our minds and the reality that exists in the world.

Elephant Exploitation - Ivory - 03

Elephant Exploitation - Ivory - 03
(Elephant Exploitation - Ivory - 03) Illegal Domestic Ivory Trade - Worthless trinkets.  An eight-month HSUS investigation has uncovered a thriving market for illegally traded elephant ivory in an unexpected place: the United States, a nation that prides itself on the protection of endangered species and vigilance in enforcing the ban on international ivory trade.  Do not be involved in the murder of elephants.  Don't buy ivory! ~ Volunteer Journalist: Maureen Adams
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Photo from: Humane Society of the United States

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