This all creatures animal exploitation photo gallery about Fox is being presented to show the public the difference between the cute animals we see in advertising and picture in our minds and the reality that exists in the world.
(Fox Exploitation - Fox - 11) Momma had set up housekeeping in our wood
pile, which is about forty feet from our home. She and her family were indeed
our neighbors, and no less deserving of our love and respect than any of our
other neighbors, or how we want to be treated by our neighbors. When we learn
what it means to love God with all our heart, soul, and might (Deuteronomy 6:5),
and to love our neighbors as ourselves (Leviticus 19:18), we realize that such
love includes the whole of creation. This fox knew that she was welcome to live
in her new home, and that we wouldn't harm her children. Together, we took a
step closer to experiencing the "peaceable kingdom" that Isaiah spoke of in
11:6-9, where we will not hurt or destroy in all of God's holy mountain.
| Fox Exploitation |
Photo from: Our Neighbors the Foxes