Turkey ExploitationTurkey Exploitation
An Animal Exploitation Photo Journal and Gallery Presentation from All-Creatures.org

This all creatures animal exploitation photo gallery about turkeys is being presented to show the public the difference between the cute little animals we see in advertising and picture in our minds and the reality that exists in the world.

Turkey - Free Range Myth - 17

Turkey - Free Range  Myth - 17
(Turkey - Free Range Myth - 17)  Partial beak amputation can be performed on organic turkey flocks. Ian J.H. Duncan, a professor of Poultry Ethology at the University of Guelph in Canada, says "the idea of beak trimming being a short-lived discomfort for the bird may be far from accurate. The short and long-term changes in behavior, particularly the substantial decrease in activities involving the beak and the increase in inactivity particularly in the first week after the operation, suggests that the birds are suffering severe pain."
Photo and some commentary from: Free Range Turkey
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