This all creatures animal exploitation photo gallery about turkeys is being presented to show the public the difference between the cute little animals we see in advertising and picture in our minds and the reality that exists in the world.
(Turkey - Male) This is a male breeding turkey. He's not very attractive with partially removed beak
and disheveled feathers; but that doesn't matter with these farmed animals,
because this guy will never come in contact with a female turkey.
Instead, he is masturbated three times a week by a human farm worker to
collect his sperm which is used to artificially inseminate female turkeys in
a process that is really rape. In our opinion, what humans do to these
birds is an abomination before God, for in reality they are having a form of
sexual relationship with the turkeys.
References: More Than a Meal, 75, 84-85 and Leviticus 20:15-16.
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