PrayersPrayer Offered For Huntingdon ‘H.L.S.’: A Crumbling Stronghold For U.K. Vivisection
Prayers From Animal Padre's Christians Against All Animal Abuse

Good Shepherd, we come to You with broken hearts this day because those who claim to be Christians are torturing defenceless animals in the name of research. Dear God teach them to realise that no good can come out of evil; that no one prospers who does callous, cruel deeds to defenceless life.

Open their eyes Dear Lord, that they might see the folly and the error of their path. Show them that they too could have been born as one of the animals in Huntingdon, and that this -more than likely - could be their hell in the life that follows their present one.

Precious God remove the scales from the eyes of vivisectors and those who fund or further them. May they realise that future history - if You spare us!" will denounce such despicable legalised research as takes place in Huntingdon today as we ourselves unanimously denounce the past tests of legalised research as occurred at Dachau under the Third Reich.

Gracious Father, give us who gather here this day as much strength to 'fight the good fight against vivisection as You gave to an earlier age to fight the good fight against slavery and child labour.

Good shepherd, make us like Yourself: willing to lay down, or exceedingly endanger our own lives, in order to protect weaker forms of life over which You have entrusted to us a caring dominion and charge.

Forgive us for any unnecessary past clashes with the law - we realise that our brothers and sisters in the constabulary have a tough and often a thankless task to fulfil. But do not allow us to become spineless and void of all courage. We appreciate that You, Yourself, didst occasionally flaunt lesser laws concerning property, and even religion, in order to fulfil higher laws concerning life.

We appreciate. Dear Lord, that no Christian would be worthy of the Name if he saw meek and gentle beings heinously subjected to horrific deeds of barbarity; could do something to stop it; and yet did nothing.

Precious Saviour, in our quandary grant us the wisdom, courage and compassion that comes from above so that whatever we do to protect the defenceless, that we may be aware of Your smile upon us. Then, at the last, we will hear Your precious words: “Well done true and faithful servant. In what you've done to help the least of my creatures here, you have done it as to me. Enter now into the joy of your Lord”.


Dear Fellow Activist, never ever forget: ‘He prayeth best who loveth best all creatures great and small; For the Dear Lord who loveth us: He made and loveth all’ - S.J. Coleridge

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