Precious Lord and wonderful Saviour of both ‘man and beast’, We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the gracious work of The Humane Research Trust; a medical Charity to be justly proud of because it realises that research into human ailments and diseases must never ever be at the cost of harming or exploiting weaker forms of life than ones own.
Lord in Your mercy
Hear this our prayer
Teach us to realise, Dear Lord, that no ultimate or lasting good can ever come from any methods that are not only known to be callous but, indeed, dreadfully cruel as well. Teach us to know that ‘whatever one sows they will inevitably reap’: be it in this life or the life to come.
Lord in Your mercy
Hear this our prayer
Just and holy God, save us from going down any evil path, akin to what was practised in the vile medical experimental blocks of the Nazis Yes, of downgrading helpless and more vulnerable lives than our own, so as to legitimise horrendous experimentation on the same. The pretext being that life classed as inferior can be abused and sacrificed if it appears on the surface to benefit medical advancement to either an ‘assumed’ master race or species
Lord in Your mercy
Hear this our prayer
Teach us Good Shepherd, to realise that to ‘possibly’’ benefit in some short term from Vivisection - if it is at the cost of deadening our consciences, blunting our souls and turning a deaf ear to the cries of the defenceless and helpless, - then it is a path of rationalisation previously pursued by a past Dr Memgele, a Dr Eichmann and a Dr Goebbells; and future history will, surely,one day pass the same verdict on Vivisectors as it has already done on those past medical experimenters of a Third Reich.
Lord in Your mercy
Hear this our prayer
Good Shepherd, You identified Your character with good shepherds of the past who – unlike hirelings – were prepared to endanger and even lay down their very lives in caring for those of an assumed ‘lesser’ species than their own: Yes, vulnerable sheep! Then teach us to emulate your kind of example, otherwise we are totally unworthy of calling ourselves: Christians.
Lord in Your mercy
Hear this our prayer
Last but not least, we pray for Your blessing upon the dedicated staff and each researcher this day connected with the Humane Research Trust. Yes, for these dear people who have the wisdom to know that what is food for one species can so often be accumulative poison for another; That, consequently to use animals for research in to human disease can be as fraught with appalling and long term tragedy as was the horrendous thalidomide scandal, the fruits of which still haunt us today
Dear Lord, bless all animals in laboratories and bless us this day as
we ‘Walk The Walk’ to Your glory.
Rev. James Thompson
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