People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
[Ed. Note: Please visit our Directory of Vegan/Vegetarian Pastors and Churches. If you need to see how God's creatures are treated in order to produce meat, watch these examples: Calf Slaughter Cruelty, Eggs, Faces of "Free-Range" Farming.]
Honor your faith at each and every meal this Lenten season, and remember: As we do to the least, so we do to Him.
With the Lenten season upon us, many choose to reflect on their actions and honor their faith through fasting. Some denominations, specifically Eastern Christians and Catholics, abstain from eating animal products during this time.
Going vegan in honor of Lent is the perfect way to "practice what you preach" by showing compassion to all of God's creation. By eating only plant-based foods this Lenten season, you can show Christ's mercy at every meal.
Is this really how we should treat God's creatures? Is this the message of love and compassion that we should be living? When God gave us "dominion" over animals, it became our responsibility to be their protectors, not their tormentors.
In his article for the Huffington Post, Bruce Friedrich, PETA's vice president for policy, said it best: "Jesus' message is one of love and compassion, yet there is nothing loving or compassionate about the modern industries that produce almost all of the chickens, pigs and other farmed animals that are turned into meat in this country. Christians have a choice: When we sit down to eat, we can support misery and cruelty or we can make choices that support mercy and compassion. Shouldn't that be an easy decision for us?"
Honor your faith at each and every meal this Lenten season, and remember: As we do to the least, so we do to Him.