Tracy Sherlock, The Chilliwack Times
April 2009
Easter is that most bizarre of holidays: on one hand it's extremely religious and on the other hand it's heavily rooted in nature.
It's Easter this weekend. Easter is that most bizarre of holidays: on one
hand it's extremely religious and on the other hand it's heavily rooted in
Good Friday for some of us means an extra day off, and for others of us
recognizes the day Jesus was crucified, one of the holiest of holy days in
the entire year. Sunday is Easter Day, which for some of us means chocolate,
egg hunts, bunnies with baskets of candy and something do with baby chicks.
For others of us, Easter recognizes the resurrection of Jesus and is the
year's most important feast day.
It seems Easter was once two celebrations: the Pagan Eastre, and the
Christian recognition of Christ's resurrection. And today, it appears we
celebrate a mix of both, which explains my confusion about this holy day.
Being from a secular family, my Easter memories do not include church. They
do include family gatherings, often a turkey dinner, and, always, an Easter
egg hunt. From my grandmother's gorgeous, well-tended back garden to indoor
hunts on rainy days, the egg hunt is as connected to Easter in my mind as
the tree is part of Christmas.
I never made the connection as a child, but now it seems obvious. Eggs are a
symbol of new life; hence, they make the perfect gift for Easter, the day of
Jesus' resurrection.
OK, I guess the eggs (rebirth) explain the proliferation of baby chicks on
Easter, but what is it with the overgrown bunny handing out the goodies?
Bunnies don't lay eggs, they just reproduce like crazy.
Apparently it is this fecundity that associated rabbits with Easter. Like
the eggs, they are a symbol of the rising fertility that comes with the
spring season, according to a quick Internet search. I'm told the bunny and
eggs are also a symbol of spiritual rebirth, which brings us full circle
back to the resurrection of Christ.
But the deeper link to the Earth and nature is what connects me to this
holiday. No matter your religion, you can celebrate the return to spring and
the corresponding rebirth of plants all around us. The beautiful cherry
blossoms, from the palest pink to the deepest maroon, remind me of the
glorious reawakening taking place.
Another Easter enigma is the timing, which changes every year, unlike any
other holiday. Oh sure, there are those holidays that move about depending
on which is the second Monday in October (Thanksgiving) or the first Monday
in August (B.C. Day). But Easter and Good Friday can move around by as much
as an entire month.
Easter's date is determined by the cycle of the moon. According to the
all-knowing Wikipedia, and other websites, Easter falls on the first Sunday
after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox.
Therefore, the holy day can fall as early as March 22, or as late as April
Some people may want to fix Easter's date to bring the holiday in line with
more modern times, but I like the way the changing date ties us both to
something larger than ourselves--the moon --and reminds us of our links to
the pagan world.
The moon rules the ocean's tides, women's fertility and probably a whole
host of other natural phenomena that we've forgotten about. I think it's a
tip of the hat to nature's power to let the moon determine when Easter
On a related note, whatever you might think about the bunnies, and their
symbolism of fertility, please don't buy one as a pet this Easter.
Animal shelters, including the Richmond Animal Protection Society, are
inundated with unwanted rabbits, and still more rabbits are abandoned on our
city streets. In Richmond there are wild rabbits galore throughout the city
centre and areas south of Steveston Highway.
So please, if you're tempted to give your kids a rabbit for Easter, unless
you're ready for a 10-year commitment, make the rabbit a cute, cuddly
stuffed bunny instead.
On that note, I think it's time for another chocolate egg.