Rabbinic Statement on Animal-Free, Plant-Based Diets
Animals: Tradition - Philosophy


September 2017

“Judaism’s way of life, its dietary practices, are designed to ennoble the human spirit. It is therefore a contradiction in terms to claim that products that come through a process that involves inordinate cruelty and barbarity toward animal life can truly be considered kosher in our world. In our world today, it is precisely a plant-based diet that is truly consonant with the most sublime teachings of Judaism and of the highest aspirations of our heritage.”
- Rabbi David Rosen, Former Chief Rabbi of Ireland


Watch video here - Jewish Veg - Rabbinic Statement

We, the undersigned rabbis, encourage our fellow Jews to transition toward animal-free, plant-based diets. This approach to sustenance is an expression of our shared Jewish values of compassion for animals, protection of the environment, and concern for our physical and spiritual well-being.

For the most recent list of members of the Jewish Veg Rabbinic Council, please visit JewishVeg.org's page.

Jewish Veg wishes to thank the UK-based Jewish Vegetarian Society for helping to recruit rabbis to sign this statement.

This Statement is signed by 13 Orthodox rabbis, 24 Conservative rabbis, 25 Reform rabbis, 8 Reconstructionist rabbis, 3 transdenominational rabbis, 1 Renewal rabbi and 1 Secular Humanist rabbi, as well as by 2 rabbinic students and one cantorial student.

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