T Stokes copyright 2005
Is it necessary?
One of the biggest questions that puzzles those seeking to lead a spiritual life, is the problem of meat eating.
There are those who believe in the often quoted saying of Jesus that, “ it is not what goes into a mans mouth that defiles him, but what comes out “
One could further say that Christ recruited from non-vegetarian fishermen, but the only mention of meat in the bible, did not refer to animal flesh, as meat meant any solid food.
Remember Jesus was an Essene, and they were an ascetic sect who were not only vegetarian, but also taught reincarnation, and not transmigration as has been claimed in a recent book.
This argument over vegetarianism has come up many times over the years , and has been tackled by occult authors Dion Fortune and Lobsang Rampa who both thought it made little difference. But their studies were carried out in the 1930s and the late 50s, and even last year the subject was handled very badly by the lowbrow mediums newspaper “psychic news”.
Recent tests by top universities in Britain found that by running the Bible through a bank of computers it was possible to detect that alterations had crept in as most scholars accepted over the centuries, so the present bible is not the original bible and today’s Christians are far from the original Christians.
Most versions, and this is from the revised standard version in genesis 1;29 “behold I have given you every plant yielding seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit, you shall have them for food”
This goes on to declare in Genesis1;30 that no beast would prey on another, and flesh was an unlawful food, until after the flood when God said to Noah, “The fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, unto your hand they are delivered, every moving thing that lives shall be food for you and as I gave you in Genesis 1;29 the green plants, I give you everything, only you shall not eat the flesh with its life, that is its blood (Gen, 9;2-4).
Both flesh eaters and vegetarians use this passage to bolster their beliefs, but it is impossible to eat meat without consuming the blood it contains, the conclusions are obvious.
The British Medical Journal, among other medical periodicals, claim that 60% of all deaths in Britain are cardio-vascular related, and the next biggest killer Cancer, are both heavily linked to meat consumption.
The scholar Empedocles, summed up eccliastical thinking around the time of the early Bible when he said ”the original sin was the killing and eating ofGod's animals”.
The root problem is that world wide wherever animals are reared for their flesh, there is cruelty and abuse, factory farms with forced feeding and mass medication are just one instance.
St. Francis of Assisi is recognised as one of Christianity's holiest saints, and he was a vegetarian hermit.
Recent problems such as the B.S.E crisis, foot and mouth disease, the Stilbesterol scandal, and others that our government suppressed from us, show that spirituality could not be aligned to such a cruel and exploitative industry.
The Bhagavad-Gita Gita 9;26 also states, “if one offers me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water I will accept it”.
This passage infers that god would not accept offerings of flesh, eggs or fish, yet they do accept milk.
We read in chapter 17 of the Bhagavatam a fight between two kings over animal cruelty.
Although the story can be seen in a figurative way, showing that this is the age of Kali or slaughter, a deeper meaning is visible to scholars suggesting that non harm or “Ahimsa” is most necessary for spiritual progression.
The commandment thou shalt not kill, is regularly fobbed off among Christians as meaning the killing of humans.
If this was the case the commandment would read “thou shalt not commit murder”.
A “kill” always refers to an animal.
Christians also say Christ came to redeem humans not animals, yet there is no scriptural basis for this claim, and in fact all versions of the biblical record agree that Christ believed “all life is sacred” and to “love thy neighbour”.
Are not animals also our neighbours ?
Many Christian scholars claim animals have no souls and are lesser creatures.
This may in part explain why animal cruelty is highest in Christian countries.
But Christ came for the Jews, it was only by altering the doctrines to suit Roman tastes that ensured Christianity's survival, and Roman Christianity was imposed on England in 664 A.D. at the Synod of Witby, strangely this site is now a shrine to vampirism!
However, early Christians maintained God had entrusted animals to our care and we would be judged on how we cared for others.
This is echoed in the holy Koran, every verse bar one starts with the words, “Allah is merciful and compassionate”, and the prophet himself said, ”whoever is kind to animals is kind to god”.
A growing tradition of rejecting meat has been gaining ground for a variety of reasons, around the Islamic world.
So we have a tradition in each major world religion where flesh eating is condemned, except Christianity, but even here many enlightened folk are returning to the original Christian vegetarian concepts, such as in the Seventh day Adventists, and health surveys show a remarkable improvement among their followers.
Certainly studies show vegetarianism does increase sensitivity and spiritual awareness, this is on record with training motor racing teams and the intelligence services.
The Greek gospels of Thomas particularly, and Philip, say that Christ was, as many scholars have always said, a vegetarian.
And if it was good enough for Him, maybe it should be good enough for us.