Joyce D'Silva,
SARX: Christian Animal Welfare
January 2017
An important question for religious leaders to consider is whether animals really exist only to enrich human lives or do they have intrinsic value, as part of a creation that God loves. If they are part of a divinely loved creation, who are we to abuse them? If they are sentient beings like us, who are we to exploit them?
The challenge to all Christian leaders now is to develop their policies and speak with their communities, so that the current world of animal exploitation can start to be replaced with one of respect and compassion.
Nearly all religions see animals as a valuable part of God’s creation,
some even seeing animals as praising God by their very existence. Within
Christianity, this is most notably witnessed in Psalm 148 which speaks of
all creation, with specific mention of birds, animals, sea creatures and
insects praising God. Also, after the flood, God’s new Covenant was made,
not just with humans, but “with every living creature” (Genesis 9:9-10).
Jesus assures us that even the five sparrows are not forgotten in God’s
sight (Luke 12:6).
Other religions echo these ideas. In the Qur’an, animals are seen as
worshipping Allah (God): “Do you not see that to Allah prostrates whoever is
in the heavens and whoever is on the earth and the sun, the moon, the stars,
the mountains, the trees, the moving creatures and many of the people?”
(Qur’an 22:18). Religions like Hinduism see the ultimate Essence as
manifesting in every creature.
The founders of faiths and the authors of their holy books lived hundreds or
thousands of years ago. In their societies it would have been impossible to
envisage a world where animals were experimented on or kept in their
billions in factory farms. Yet just because an exact condemnation of certain
practices is not mentioned, that doesn’t mean that today’s religious leaders
should be silent or equivocal on such matters. So, when we look at the state
of animals kept in factory farms & laboratories, or used for entertainment
and sport, we can well ask, “Who, among our religious teachers and leaders,
is speaking up for animals?”
An important question for religious leaders to consider is whether
animals really exist only to enrich human lives or do they have intrinsic
value, as part of a creation that God loves. If they are part of a divinely
loved creation, who are we to abuse them? If they are sentient beings like
us, who are we to exploit them?
Even if you think some use of animals is acceptable, as long as suffering is
not inflicted, then surely there’s an obligation to speak out against
practices which are inevitably going to inflict suffering, such as factory
farming? Just as Christianity is the only faith where animal sacrifice has
been abandoned for ever, wouldn’t it be wonderful if Christians everywhere
spoke out to end the abuse of animals which we see in our world today?
Right now religious leaders in other faiths are taking up the animal cause.
Several influential Buddhists have formed Dharma Voices for Animals calling
for Buddhists to abstain from animal products. Al-Hafiz B A Masri, who wrote
the influential “Animal Welfare in Islam” (The Islamic Foundation, 2007)
condemned factory farming, saying: “How right is it to deny these creatures
of God their natural instincts so that we may eat the end produce?”
Rabbi David Rosen CBE, former Chief Rabbi of Ireland and International
President of the World Conference on Religion and Peace, says “much of the
current treatment of animals in the livestock trade makes the consumption of
meat produced through such cruel conditions halachically unacceptable as the
product of illegitimate means” (Rabbis and Vegetarianism, Micah
Publications, 1995).
There are many voices within the Hindu world calling for vegetarianism and a
return to the values preached by Mahatma Gandhi, who famously declared: “I
do feel that spiritual progress does demand at some stage that we should
cease to kill our fellow creatures for the satisfaction of our bodily wants.
It ill becomes us to invoke in our daily prayers the blessings of God, the
compassionate, if we in turn will not practice elementary compassion towards
our fellow creatures” (The Moral Basis of Vegetarianism, Navajivan
Thankfully, Christian leaders are also speaking out against animal
cruelty. Archbishop Desmond Tutu argues that we should not see ourselves as
the be-all and end-all of creation: “It is a kind of theological folly to
suppose that God has made the entire world just for human beings, or to
suppose that God is interested in only one of the millions of species that
inhabit God’s good earth.” (The Global Guide to Animal Protection.
University of Illinois Press, 2014)
The respected Lutheran theologian, Jurgen Moltmann, Emeritus Professor of
Systematic Theology at the University of Tübingen, put it this way in a
speech in 1990: “Whoever injures the dignity of animals, injures God” and he
calls for a Universal Declaration on the rights of animals. (Ethics of Hope,
Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2012).
This view of God’s rights, “theos-rights” in His creation is shared by the
Reverend Andrew Linzey, who has written a raft of books on the subject of
Christianity and the rights of animals. He believes that animals have rights
based on the right of the Creator to have his creation treated with respect.
He is an opponent of factory farming, challenging the silence of the
established church on this subject: “Does the Church really see the
suffering of farm animals? Does it have any appreciation of what they have
to endure in intensive farming – debeaking, castration, tail-docking without
anaesthetics, battery cages – to take only a few examples? … Has it really
grasped that now, as never before, we have turned God’s creatures into meat
machines?” (Creatures of the Same God, Explorations in Animal Theology,
Winchester University Press, 2007).
More recently we are at last seeing leadership from the Roman Catholic
Church. Pope St John Paul II wrote in his encyclical “Gospel of Life”:
“Human beings may be merciful to their neighbours, but the compassion of the
Lord extends to every living creature” (Evangelium Vitae, 1995).
In 2015, Pope Francis issued a hugely important Encyclical Laudato
Si’, which puts forward a beautiful vision of the place of animals
within our world: “Each creature possesses its own particular goodness and
perfection… Each of the various creatures, willed in its own being, reflects
in its own way a ray of God’s infinite wisdom and goodness. Man must
therefore respect the particular goodness of every creature, to avoid any
disordered use of things.” He proposes an “ecological conversion”, which is
based on “attitudes which together foster a spirit of generous care, full of
tenderness” and which “entails a loving awareness that we are not
disconnected from the rest of creatures, but joined in a splendid universal
communion.” The encyclical lists the actions which individuals can take in
their own lives, from avoiding waste and using less water to “showing care
for other living beings”.
The challenge to all Christian leaders now is to develop their policies and
speak with their communities, so that the current world of animal
exploitation can start to be replaced with one of respect and compassion.
Dr Joyce D’Silva, public speaker, author, ambassador and former chief executive of Compassion in World Farming explores the pro-animal voices found within various faith traditions and challenges Christian leaders to speak out so that the current world of animal exploitation can start to be replaced with one of respect and compassion.