Explore Vegan Paganism with Us!
Animals: Tradition - Philosophy - Religion

FROM Lisa Levinson, IDA In Defense of Animals
December 2019


Reclaiming is a Neo-pagan feminist tradition that focuses on radical transformation, community, environmental protection, and social justice.

Maple Rudynski and Turkey
Maple Rudynski and Turkey

We’re thrilled to introduce you to vegan spiritual leaders from all traditions.

If you connect deeply with animals and nature, explore with us the ancient roots of paganism with Priestess Maple Rudynski, who has led pagan rituals for nearly 20 years.

Maple practices with Reclaiming which is a Neo-pagan feminist tradition that focuses on radical transformation, community, environmental protection, and social justice. She believes art and creativity are the keys to overcoming challenges many activists face today.

Maple works with spiritual people on various paths to include animal rights as a main issue within intersectional social justice movements.

Vegan Spirituality Online Gathering - 2nd Thursday of every month. VISIT YOUTUBE PAGE HERE FOR PAST SEGMENTS.

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