It may be hard to understand the precise origins of human cruelty, but the harm our actions cause to non-human animals need not be difficult to change.
There are a number of theories about why human beings exhibit cruel
behaviour. Christian fundamentalists say that our troubles started when Eve
tempted Adam with the forbidden apple leading to The Fall, while scientists
assert cruelty is more likely to be the result of our evolutionary past.
Many psychologists maintain that in order to be cruel to others we have to
‘dehumanize’ them, as with the institution of slavery in the 18th and 19th
centuries, and the Nazi’s treatment of the Jews in the Second World War.
There is a famous social psychology experiment conducted in the 1960s, known
as The Milgram experiment. Stanley Milgrim and his team recruited 40 men to
participate in an experiment on ‘memory and learning’. The subjects were
from a diverse range of occupations and varying levels of education, and
were told that they would be paid for their participation, no matter what
the outcome. One by one the men were taken into a room and placed in front
of a control panel that ostensibly delivered electric shocks to other
participants (actors, actually), who were located elsewhere in the building.
Standing beside them was an official looking ‘scientist’ in a white coat
carrying a clipboard and making notes. As he instructed the men to steadily
increase the amount of voltage to near fatal level, every one of the
subjects did so. Delivering what they believed to be real electric shocks
the men showed signs of tension and stress, sometimes severe, but even
though they could hear the screams from the other room they did it anyhow.
Milgrim experiment on obedience to authority
Milgrim’s research was considered evidence that German soldiers in
concentration camps were only able to carry out such atrocities against the
inmates because of unquestioning obedience and deference to authority.
It is doubtful that there is a ‘silver bullet’ for understanding cruel
behaviour however. Sometimes acts of cruelty come from our sense of justice
and outrage. We may want to hurt and punish others, because they have hurt
us or those we love. Included in expressions of cruelty by humans to other
humans are some motivated by extreme racial biases. A recent example of this
is the recent Christchurch massacre by a single gunman of peaceful Muslims
praying in their mosques.
Some of these theories of cruelty may bear more weight than others, but it
could be that pinpointing where cruelty in human nature comes from may be a
difficult, and even pointless, exercise. As human beings we are a bundle of
characteristics, and thankfully, along with the potential for cruelty, there
is a great capacity for empathy, compassion, kindness and caring.
When it comes to other animals who we know feel pain and fear just like us,
the majority of humans would not directly hurt them. We love our pets, who
we think of as members of our family. Yet there are many animals we continue
to hurt indirectly, and this is widespread and sanctioned as normal
behaviour. Eating the flesh of animals is an example, especially those that
have led lives of torture in factory farms.
In order to continue with behaviours that deep down we know hurt sentient
beings, we are forced to rationalize, and live with ‘cognitive dissonance’.
Eating meat isn’t cruel because… Wearing wool isn’t cruel because…. Testing
on animals isn’t cruel because…. Having a flutter on the racetrack isn’t
cruel because…. I don’t want to think about it… so I’ll think about
something else instead.
To overcome these tendencies in ourselves we have to be ruthlessly honest
and courageous enough to change the harmful behaviours we engage in. As far
as cruelty to other animals is concerned, we need to put ourselves in the
place of the sentient being our actions are harming. There may have been a
time when we needed to eat and otherwise exploit other animals, but that is
certainly no longer true. If we stop indirectly hurting animals, we will not
only become happier and more peaceful human beings, but also develop a sense
of wonder and appreciation for all Life. Refusing to change our behaviours
on the other hand, means we continue to be a direct link to their egregious
suffering and premature deaths. Knowing how much they suffer I think the
choice is clear. We have to stop hurting other animals.