Humane Education Geared Toward Kids
An Animal Rights Article from


Karen West
February 2008

Seems we have a revolution here in America erupting under our noses and there is not much we can do about it. This revolution pits compassionate children against their uncaring parents. The revolution even has a name, “Vegan America – Revolt!” The revolution was born from incidents surrounding Dave Warwak and his persistent attempts to teach Humane Education at Fox River Grove Middle School in Illinois.

Warwak explains, “The adult meat-eaters in the world no longer have a choice in this matter. This revolution belongs to the children. The children of today are smart and want a better world. They are tired of the shape of things. The children of today deserve better and do not want war, starvation, pollution, death, and destruction. They want and deserve a healthy and loving world. Just ask a child, you will see.” He then instructs those against his ideas to, “Go off in the corner with your roast beef sandwich, while we build a better World. We want the future and we want it now.”

Warwak believes the adults in charge want to hide information from children and that it is the duty of every vegan and animal rights activist in the world to let the children around them know the truth. He proposes telling children wherever they may be and even goes on to give strategies. “It can be as simple as a business card with a message that you slip to children whenever and wherever you see them.” Warwak believes children are the transmission of society and for things to change, we have to be honest with our children.

Vegans, Animal Rights Activist, and Humane Educators have embarked on a major campaign to educate the youth of America. Warwak explains, “We have some of the world’s best minds conferring the connections to Humane Education, the environment, health, wellbeing, truth, school shootings and violence in general, including war and ultimately, our fate.” Warwak might be on to something as we talked with the author of the ‘World Peace Diet,’ Dr. Will Tuttle, who confirmed, “I think this new idea of giving kids cards with a secret on them is terrific. Let them discover for themselves. That is most empowering. And the ‘secret’ idea is brilliant. Kids love secrets. They know deep down that things are being hidden from them. So much is hidden - not just from the kids, but from the big boys & girls running around calling themselves adults.” Dr. Tuttle goes on to say, “This is the hidden secret root of it all – Warwak has his hand right on it.”

The campaign consists of passing out small business cards to children wherever they may be. “Thanks to compassionate people and their extensive connections all over the world, animal rights groups, vegetarians, vegans, and humane educators will be passing out business cards to children wherever they may be.” Warwak adds, “Groups are hitting the streets, during times when children are most likely to be out and about. Groups are already planning on a full force presence on Halloween. Even vegans who stay home will be passing out vegan candies accompanied by a message of love.” Then Warwak proudly proclaimed, “So far today, I passed out 34 cards!”

The business card’s front reads:

Remember the Santa Claus lie?
One lie is so bad, some people prefer to keep it hidden.
So hidden, some never find out!
Do you want to live a lie?

The back reads:

Go to your favorite search engine.
Look-up “Factory Farming” Look-up “Vegan”
“Naming a rock, a banana, does not make it food”

The Animal Liberation Front has joined in and devoted a full page on their site promoting the campaign. When asked, to explain why he is so passionate about telling children the truth and changing his school into a vegan school, Warwak responded, “I can’t understand why they are fighting so hard against something so good. The World is behind us and prepared to help. There is every reason in the world for the school to go vegan and not one single reason to do otherwise.” PETA’s Vice President, Bruce Friedberg is offering to help Fox River Grove Middle School with its transition to a vegan diet: “We'll pay for food for a week, get vegan chefs in to help and consult, whatever.” The “Chicago Animal Rights Meetup Group,” “Mercy for Animals,” and other groups around the world are prepared to step in and help in hopes FRGMS becomes the first vegan public school in America. Could this revolution be inevitable, whether, we wanted change or not?

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