Every Nation is the Worst Offender
An Animal Rights Article from All-Creatures.org


Donny Moss, Their Turn
October 2014

Instead of vilifying entire countries or cultures, which does nothing to help their animals, we should target our anger – and energy – toward those individuals who commit the atrocities and the authorities who have the power to stop them.

In moments of frustration and anger, many of us demonize an entire country or culture when we learn about the atrocities they commit against animals, but those feelings are misguided. Only a small percentage of people in any country participate in the abuse, and most are probably unaware. In addition, whatever country we happen to call home is probably committing abuses that are every bit as bad, so why point a finger? Every nation is culpable:

The French insert tubes down the throats of ducks and force feed them:

all nations abuse animals
Force-feeding of a goose to make foie gras
For more visit Foie Gras...

The Spanish set some bulls on fire and chase others through city streets:

all nations abuse animals

The Chinese skin animals alive for fur:

all nations abuse animals

Americans lasso young animals, wrestle them to the ground and twist their necks at rodeos:

all nations abuse animals

Canadians club baby seals:

all nations abuse animals

Africans tear the tusks out of elephants’ faces:

all nations abuse animals
Photo: Mark Deeble & Victoria Stone

Australians hack flesh out of sheep to keep insects out of their wool:

all nations abuse animals

Mexicans stab bulls to death to cheering crowds:

all nations abuse animals

The Danish drive pilot whales into the shore and butcher them:

all nations abuse animals
Photo: Sea Shepherd

The Japanese shoot harpoons with explosives into protected whales and serve animals at restaurants who are still alive:

all nations abuse animals
This frog was chopped in half in the "kitchen" and then placed, still alive, admist some veggies...

This list goes on.

Instead of vilifying entire countries or cultures, which does nothing to help their animals, we should target our anger – and energy – toward those who commit the atrocities and the authorities who have the power to stop them.

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