Bensalem PA police identified pigeon torturer and charged him with animal cruelty
An Animal Rights Article from


SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness (SHARK) / SHARK Exposes Pigeon Shoots
February 2016

Watch video - Bird Tortured at the Philadelphia Gun Club - here

In our last update we told you how we filmed a worker at the Philadelphia Gun Club torturing birds at a live pigeon shoot held on January 30, 2016.

We sent the video to the Bensalem Police, and this week we were told that they had identified the torturer and charged him with animal cruelty. This is a historic act that we hope will forever change the debate about live pigeon shoots in Pennsylvania.

In addition to the many articles about the charges, J.D. Mullane, columnist for the Bucks County Courier Times, wrote the following piece which excoriates the gun club. You can send him a note of thanks at: [email protected]

Mullane: Philadelphia Gun Club shoots itself in the foot, blames 17-year-old boy:

The Bensalem pigeon killing club, AKA the Philadelphia Gun Club, has found a fall guy for charges that it engages in cruelty to animals — a 17-year-old boy.. The club of fake hunters even helped the cops identify the kid, who was captured on video Jan. 30 ineptly attempting to kill a pigeon wounded by one of the club’s ace shots. The video, produced by the activist group Showing Animals Respect and Kindness, or SHARK, was posted to YouTube on Feb. 16. It shows the boy in a red hoodie tossing a wounded bird, throwing rocks at it and then using a stick in an attempt to kill it.

And, To review: Inept shooters hire an inept subcontractor, which pays a teenage boy who performs his assigned task ineptly. At least the Philadelphia Gun Club is consistent.

Activists from SHARK (SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness) have long protested the semiannual shoots, in which hunters gun down live birds released from boxes. A SHARK activist filmed the teen chasing injured birds on the riverbank, throwing them to the ground, pelting them with rocks and ice and jabbing them with sticks in violation of state animal-cruelty laws. 

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