Shark-Eating Man: The Real Predator of the Sea
An Animal Rights Article from


Anita Wolff
Originally published on
July 2008

The shark—shaped by evolution to be a swift, powerful predator and a fearsome menace to swimmers—is now itself becoming prey to man’s insatiable appetite for exotic foods. Worldwide shark populations are dropping to alarming levels, and several species are already endangered. It is estimated that populations of some species have declined by 90%.


The worst threat to shark populations is the growing appetite for the Asian delicacy shark-fin soup. Once a regional Cantonese dish affordable by only the wealthy and therefore a symbol of lavish hospitality, the dish is becoming increasingly common as China, Thailand, and other nations become more prosperous. Even though the price can be as much as $100 a bowl, shark-fin soup is widely available in East and Southeast Asia as well as in Asian enclaves abroad. A reporter found dried shark fins being sold in San Francisco for $328 per pound. Ironically, the dried and processed fins have no taste, but they add a desired gelatinous body to the soup.

Most fins for soup are obtained by the brutal practice of “finning,” which is carried out in all the world’s oceans. Sharks are caught and hauled out of the water. Their fins and sometimes their tails are sliced off, and the fish are thrown back into the ocean. Many of them are still alive. They cannot swim without fins, so they helplessly sink into the water to the ocean bottom, to die slowly or be eaten by predators. It is estimated that 73 million sharks are killed each year in this fashion.

The total catch each year of sharks and the closely related skates and rays is estimated to be more than 100 million—and the total may be much higher, since much fishing is unreported. Sharks are also caught for their meat, skin, livers, and cartilage. In some countries sharks are an important food source for local consumption; this type of small-scale fishing has little impact on shark populations. However, many sharks also become by-catch, caught by accident, by large-scale mechanized fishing operations. And some “sport” fishers kill sharks just for the fun of it.


The Humane Society of the United States reports that “The 2006 Red List, published by the World Conservation Union,  has assessed the population status of 546 species of shark and ray. Of these, 111 species are either critically endangered (20), endangered (25) or vulnerable (66), while a further 96 are facing some level of threat. However, there are 205 species of shark or ray for which there are insufficient data to make an assessment, and it is likely that many of these are seriously threatened.” Sharks reproduce slowly, taking many years to mature, and most have only a few offspring at a time. Therefore it takes a very long time for the population to rebound.

Fishermen, conservationists, and divers worldwide report that the sharks they encounter are smaller and younger, indicating that the larger, older fish have all been caught. Fisherman are moving into protected areas such as marine parks and conservation areas in search of this lucrative prey.

Even where finning or the taking of sharks is banned, illegal fishing is common and there is little or no enforcement of existing laws. The wildlife conservation organization WildAid reports, “A U.S. ship [in 2002] was apprehended by the Coast Guard and brought into port in San Diego. It was transporting no shark bodies, but 32 tons of shark fins, which represents between 14,000 and 29,000 sharks. Finning has been illegal in U.S. waters since 2000, but regulating this can be difficult.”

Sharks are apex predators, situated at the top of the food chain. When they disappear, the prey they would have eaten become more numerous. The species these secondary predators eat are then hard hit; it has been observed that populations of such tertiary prey species as scallops, clams, and spiny lobsters were ravaged after the numbers of local sharks diminished drastically. This is the situation from the culinary consumer’s point of view. From the marine biologist’s point of view it is a grim picture of a possible ecological collapse. One thing has been learned from similar situations: there will be a domino effect but it is not easy to predict what will fall.

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