Money from USPS's Save Vanishing Species Stamps to go to Safari Club and Ringling Brothers
An Animal Rights Article from


Robin Lawless on This Dish Is Veg
May 2011

[Ed. Note: It's always important to be vigilant. Just because something appears to support animals, this is an example of why it's not always true.]


Don’t be fooled by the adorable tiger cub on the front of these stamps. The stamp called "Save Vanishing Species" is being advertised as a way to support endangered species as the 11 extra cents from each stamp is being donated to the Multinational Species Conservation Funds (MSCF), which is described on a press release as a “an alliance of conservationists, zoos, veterinarians, animal welfare groups, circuses and sportsmen."

Wait a minute, sportsmen? Circuses? Yes, it turns out the so-called animal advocates that will be benefiting from the sale of this stamp includes the Safari Club International, an organization that support hunters, and The Feld Organization, which owns Ringling Brothers.

How these blatantly anti-animal welfare groups were included with true animal conservation groups like the Jane Goodall Institute, Born Free USA, and The World Wildlife Fund, and will ultimately benefit from the sale of this stamp, is beyond belief.

The Wildlife Conservation Society, which runs the Bronx Zoo, said on their website they have been working for 10 years to pass legislation to create the stamps. Perhaps they reached out to these organizations for some political clout.

An e-mail to Wildlife Conservation Society Executive Vice President of Public Affairs John Calvelli has remained unanswered.

Previous stamps that have been sold to benefit causes have netted millions of dollars for organizations researching breast cancer and bringing awareness to domestic violence.

The stamps will be sold at U.S. post offices nationwide this September as well as at institutions like zoos and aquariums.

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