Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.
There's an Elephant in the Room blog
June 2018
Would extinction be worse than the horrors human inflict on billions of animals who live atrocious lives only to be slaughtered for humans to eat?
Image by Jo-Anne McArthur, We
The idea that ‘nothing can change from the way it’s always been done’, is
commonly used as an attempt to justify the horrors that our species
currently inflicts upon more than 74,000,000,000 (seventy-four billion)
members of land based species and uncounted trillions of aquatic individuals
each year.
Let’s check the facts, however. Having been around in approximately their
current form for 200,0000 (two hundred thousand) years , humans first
domesticated the species that we use for ‘agriculture’ only about 12,000
(twelve thousand) years ago, having begun the process of adapting others to
serve our interests some 3,000 (three thousand) years earlier by
domesticating wolves.
During these 12,000 years, almost every breed of animal that we use for any
and every purpose worldwide, has been ‘adapted’ by selective breeding and/or
genetic modification to optimise commercial production of whichever aspect
of their lives and bodies we seek to use and financially profit from.
Where our meddling leads
Humans have created and are continuing to develop, breeds of the species
that we use without any regard or concern for the well being of the
individuals who are affected by our tampering. Nowhere is this illustrated
more poignantly that in the hens whom we currently use for their eggs, a
subject that I have previously examined in depth.
Suffice to say that selective breeding combined with genetic modification
has escalated egg laying by each individual bird to 250 – 300+ a year from
an original annual total of 12 – 15 by her wild ancestors. By doing this we
have created a situation where the body into which each innocent little
creature is hatched, has become a prison and a time bomb, so prone to
diseases of her wildly overworked reproductive processes that a painful and
early death is almost guaranteed. Not that we actually care. Egg laying hens
used commercially are slaughtered before they are 18 months old; let’s face
it, we don’t need them to live long; it’s easy come, easy go for their human
And meanwhile we see online the tired old debates and arguments about the
environment in which they are used, with words like ‘factory’, ‘battery’,
‘free-range’, cage free’, ‘enriched cages’ and ‘backyard’ being bandied
about. Yes, sure, some environments in which hens are used for their eggs
are ‘better’ than other environments. Sadly, however, the vast majority of
even those who profess to care about other animals seem unaware of the fact
that our true crime against this species has nothing to do with the
environment in which we use them. Our crime is bred into their very bones,
into their flesh, into reproductive systems genetically programmed to
hyperactivity until their bodies self-destruct.
Those who rescue hens from the burden that egg laying imposes on their tiny
bodies, who provide sanctuary from a world that sees them only in terms of
what can be taken from them, struggle to source hormonal implants and
veterinary staff to conduct the necessary surgery, doing all they can to
delay the inevitable but even so, an elderly and healthy egg-laying hen is
an oxymoron.
As for other species, breeds have been manipulated in ways that would
inevitably shorten their lives were it not for the fact that the sole reason
for their existence is to maximise what we can take from them in their youth
before subsequently slaughtering them. Our meddling has left many, if not
most, with no environmental niche for them to occupy outside of the hells,
torture chambers and prisons of our agricultural nightmare.
As for all our victims whatever their species, we confine them in unnatural
environments, feed them substances that they would never consume without our
intervention, accelerate and boost their growth / lactation / egg production
far beyond what their bodies are designed to bear, and are even working to
develop further grotesque mutations by genetic modification for a variety of
‘reasons’ that all boil down to maximising profit. Like ourselves, our
defenceless victims are a long way from the natural animals they once were.
Extinction – is it always bad?
A common assertion is that many breeds will become extinct in a vegan world
and this is said as if that were a bad thing. Make no mistake, the almost
inevitable extinction of the pitiable, Frankensteinian creations of our
unspeakably self-obsessed species is a totally different issue from the
extinction of those wild creatures who were quietly minding their own
business in the aeons before we came along, and whose habitat we have
destroyed by our industrialisation and urbanisation, not to mention the
usurping of their land on the industrial scale that has been necessary for
us to cultivate our ‘farmed’ victims in unimaginably vast and increasing
So when we talk of extinction for the grotesquely mutated victims of our
deluded species, how can this possibly be a bad thing? In a way, such
extinction, allowing these defenceless innocents to escape the obscene
torment of bodies we have created to serve our interests at the expense of
their own, would be the only really humane thing we have ever done for them.
Be vegan.
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