Cultivating a Veg Future by Supporting Vegan and Vegetarian Businesses
Articles Reflecting a Vegan Lifestyle From

Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.


Che Green, Humane Research Council (HRC)
October 2010

In HRC's recent interview with Gene Baur of Farm Sanctuary, Gene pointed to "the rapid influx of vegan and vegetarian foods into society as one of the greatest advancements for the farmed animal movement." The Humane Research Council (HRC) works to support the growth of the vegetarian food industry by offering market research and insight under the name “Cultivate Research.” Our goal is simple -- working with businesses to increase the availability of non-animal products and make foods that appeal to non-vegetarians to help reduce the suffering of farmed animals.


You can help us in that goal by learning more about Cultivate Research in the article that follows and helping make businesses aware of our research and services. In addition to our focus on vegetarians and vegans, we also work with companies that produce cruelty-free products or provide animal-friendly services. We help these businesses grow, which in turn cultivates the market for animal-friendly products and services and allows HRC to conduct more research for nonprofit animal advocates.

It's truly a win-win-win situation when you let your friends and colleagues know about Cultivate Research. There are more vegetarian products, more research to support high-impact veg advocacy, and better results for animals.

Cultivating a Veg Future by Supporting Veg Businesses We believe that the success of animal-friendly companies is critical to reducing the suffering of animals. That's why we've built Cultivate Research to be the leading source for market research and information on vegan, vegetarian, and other animal-friendly products and services.

Working with both the nonprofit and for-profit sectors means our knowledge of the vegetarian/vegan industry is unsurpassed by any other research provider. Because Cultivate Research is affiliated with the nonprofit Humane Research Council, we are also able to offer more affordable services. This means we can bring the power of market research to smaller companies focused on animal-friendly offerings and encourage larger businesses to expand their efforts to help animals and cater to their customers who care about animals.

We have been very fortunate to work with a diverse range of for-profit clients including – among others – Field Roast Grain Meats, a privately owned vegan food company, and Del Monte, the multinational fruit and vegetable conglomerate. In addition to food companies, Cultivate Research also works with other animal-friendly companies including makers of cruelty-free products, animal-related service companies, and others.

If you know any owners or managers at vegetarian businesses or start-ups, please tell them about Cultivate Research. Together we can help strengthen vegan and vegetarian businesses with access to affordable research about their current and prospective customers. And, as a nonprofit, all proceeds from our work with these companies will help fund HRC’s work for our nonprofit clients and our resources for individual animal advocates.

The impetus for Cultivate Research was HRC’s study, “Advocating Vegetarianism and Meat Reduction to U.S. Adults,” which has obvious implications for vegetarian businesses. We took the most relevant data from this in-depth study on vegans, vegetarians, semi-vegetarians, and meat reducers, and we created a series of reports for vegetarian businesses. In addition to our reports, Cultivate Research also provides a wide array of consulting services tailored to the needs of all animal-friendly businesses:

  • Advertising and marketing evaluation
  • Company and market profiles
  • Competitor research and analysis
  • Concept testing
  • Customer satisfaction studies
  • Market estimates and forecasts
  • Planning and project management
  • Product assessments
  • Tracking and trend studies
  • Usage and attitudinal studies
  • ...and many other custom services

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