Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.
Ariana Blossom,
August 2017
His wife issued a bet that they both go vegan for 30 days. Five years later, they're both still vegan—and raising vegan babies.
"That belief was engrained by US government. The 'Got milk' advertising was because of a surplus in milk. It sounds like conspiracy, but it’s about economics. Much of our economy is based on us staying sick."
In his new book
The Skeptical Vegan,
former carnivore, ethical vegan advocate, and self-professed french fry
addict Eric Lindstrom shares how moving from chicken wings to tofu wings
changed his entire life—and handily includes a chapter on how to eat vegan
in fast food restaurants.
Ariana Blossom: Most people find making significant changes
in diet hella hard to stick to, but you went vegan overnight. Tell me what
led to that change.
Eric Lindstrom: It started as a bet with my wife Jen that
whoever was the first to crack and eat dairy or meat in 30 days would have
to do the household chores for three months. I woke up the next day with all
the questions and challenges about what I was going to eat. I went through
each day like an omnivore-aholic. I used to be the guy who would order steak
“Pittsburg,” which means it’s so rare it’s still blue inside. But the change
stuck, became a blog, that became a book, and ended up becoming a career in
promoting veganism – all because I didn’t want to lose a bet. The overnight
change and the fact that it stuck was surprising to me. Now it’s my
AB: What other changes have surprised you since going
EL: The initial weight loss was surprising. I lost 30
pounds within 8 months. I also didn’t expect to lose some of the social
situations I used to be part of. I found myself making new friends because I
couldn’t meet over a bowl of chicken wings anymore. The upside is the sense
of community. I was surprised how supportive and excited everyone in the
vegan movement is about being part of something.
AB: Changing what you eat is tough because it requires
developing new habits and those habits come from a new mindset. What in your
mindset had to shift?
EL: There was a point in my life when I only ate sausage,
biscuits and gravy for breakfast, which is the greatest flavor combination.
I would say to myself after eating three or four portions, that I was
getting a ton of protein and would lose weight. I went through those
pre-vegan years giving myself excuses to make bad choices. I had a bunch of
health scares that I talk about in the book. I also had three friends, all
men in their 50s, die in one year of heart attacks who were even healthier
than me because they were active. But they weren’t eating in the way their
bodies needed.
AB: Speak to the guy who is in his 40s, taking heart
medication, and feels conflicted between wanting to eat healthier and
wanting to experience that satisfaction that he experiences with meat.
EL: It’s a challenge. Be supportive. Clean your house of
eggs, dairy and meat. Learn to recognize the vegan options. You have to
re-train your taste buds. When you go out to eat, ask about vegan options
and if there isn’t anything, make a suggestion. Over time you realize there
are vegan options everywhere. You stop craving things you used to crave. You
don’t have to feel like you’re sacrificing. I’ve given up nothing. I can eat
everything I used to eat but no animals get hurt.
For example, if I were hosting a sports night, I’d order two pizzas from
Papa John’s without cheese because the crust is vegan and it’s delicious.
And get the garlic dipping sauce. You’ll need to order five extras. No one
believes it’s vegan! There are so many amazing vegan meats, nuggets, wings,
you prepare them and put out a big bowl of vegan blue cheese. Unless someone
is purposely putting up a wall, it isn’t an issue.
Your relationship to food has to be healthy for you to be healthy. The
biggest trap is finding yourself overindulging because you think, “I’ve
given everything else up, why can’t I have it?”
AB: Your wife Jen issued a bet that you both go vegan for
30 days. Five years later, you’re both still vegan and are now raising vegan
babies. How has it changed your relationship with Jen?
EL: It brought us closer because we’re in it together. If I
could advise anyone considering it, it’s easier if both people are doing it.
We’ve learned about new foods together, gotten healthier, have zero concerns
about our future health and unbelievable cholesterol levels. Knowing that
your partner is healthy adds to your relationship. It’s made our family more
compassionate toward others. It’s a great relationship booster.
AB: Besides the health benefits, what motivates you?
EL: I’m in it for the animals. It goes so far beyond diet.
It took me at least a year of avoiding all meat, discarding any animal-based
clothing to become an animal-first vegan. I’m now a voice for the voiceless.
Animals have every right to live on this planet as we do. Every animal has a
will to live. Your single commitment to compassion and veganism can impact
lots of people. I encourage people to go in their kitchens and make vegan
AB: There’s a lot of talk about the need for protein and a
belief, especially in the U.S., that you can only get it from animals. And
some fear that raising kids without meat and dairy means they won’t get the
nutrition they need. What do you have to say to that?
EL: That belief was engrained by US government. The “Got
milk” advertising was because of a surplus in milk. It sounds like
conspiracy, but it’s about economics. Much of our economy is based on us
staying sick.
When I was first starting this journey, I met a woman who was a raw vegan.
That’s like vegan level 11, it’s way above where I was. I asked her about
how she got her protein and she said, “I never think about it.” The fact is
that you end up getting too much protein that your body never uses. Beliefs
are based on your experiences and by going through these changes you
understand yourself, nutrition, and learn that what you’ve been told isn’t
Ariana Blossom is a writer, mother and business and life coach.
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