Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.
Will Tuttle, The
World Peace Diet
May 2014
Please visit Circles of Compassion: Connecting Issues of Justice for details about how to promote and support this book of essays by leading authors and and activists on the connections between human, animal, and environmental well-being.
When I went vegan 34 years ago, it was because it seemed to be the right
thing to do. I was rarely shy about discussing it with people, and
challenging their nonvegan eating and behavior because I felt so strongly
about it. I had gone vegetarian five years earlier, as my understanding of
things grew and I learned of the connections between eating meat and human
hunger, deforestation, pollution, species extinction, physical disease,
mental obtuseness, spiritual deadening, and most of all, the hideous
violence routinely perpetrated on animals used for food.
As I learned more about the cruelty involved in dairy and egg production, as
well as in wool, leather, silk, honey, and in zoos, product testing, and the
myriad other culturally-approved products and activities, I went vegan and
endured the excruciating awakening that this can bring. The painful
realization that my home culture is actually insanely cruel and
disconnected, and that I am in many ways a product of that culture in my
attitudes and behavior propelled me not just to go outwardly vegan with
enthusiasm and commitment. I also yearned to understand how I might be able
to go vegan at the deeper levels of my being, and embody veganism in a way
that would increase my effectiveness as an advocate of vegan living to
Going vegan is like a second birth. Like birth, it is painful and
disorienting to be ejected from the warm security of the known and
comfortable, and like birth, it’s also liberating to begin a whole new life
adventure of greater awareness. Freeing ourselves and emerging from the
cultural trance injected into us by the societal food rituals that
desensitize us and reduce our capacities, the vegan birth clears the way so
that we can explore the deeper dimensions of consciousness. As we open to
the hidden pain and trauma we inflict on animals and each other, we also
open to more fully realizing the essential beauty, benevolence, freedom, and
compassion that sing and shine as the heart of being and that are reflected
in our world around us in all living beings.
In my case, the years of research and contemplation that followed this
second birth resulted eventually in my authoring The World Peace Diet. This
book, now translated into a dozen languages, attempts to illuminate the deep
structure of our culture as organized fundamentally around enslaving
nonhuman animals and the implications of that for social justice, physical
and spiritual health, peace, and sustainability. In the seven years since,
these understandings have continued to grow and spread through our culture
and our movement. With the birth of this new volume that I’m honored to be
editing, Circles of Compassion: Connecting Issues of Justice, we behold a
whole chorus of inspired voices who are now making these connections in
profound and liberating ways.
In Circles of Compassion, we have the insights and experiences of people who
have spent years working not just with the liberation of nonhuman animals,
but within that context working to raise consciousness about racism, sexism,
chronic hunger, ableism, war, heterosexism, environmental devastation,
corporatism, and economic inequity. Through their efforts, an empowering
understanding is emerging that helps us see the connections among all these
various forms of injustice and violence, and how we can most effectively
transform our relationships, our crises, and our cultural situation.
Why do we have such seemingly intractable problems? Are we genetically
flawed as the only species on Earth that is bent on its own destruction and
the ruination of the other inhabitants as well? Or are there cultural
factors at play that we can understand and change?
Although there are powerful internal and social factors that work to repress
authentic understanding, more and more people are discussing the
intersection of various justice issues, and seeing that there is a common
core mentality at work. It is also becoming increasingly obvious that the
underlying mentality causing our problems is injected into us via our
cultural programming, and that it is not innate.
We also increasingly understand that we live in what is essentially a
herding culture—a culture fundamentally organized around confining and
killing animals for food and other products. We are discovering that this
behavior of killing and eating animal-sourced foods is not only the most
devastating behavior to our outer world, but that it is also (as we are
fortunately beginning to recognize) the most damaging to the landscape of
our inner world as well.
In other words, besides being the driving force behind global climate
change, rainforest destruction, air and water pollution, soil erosion,
desertification, collapse of ocean ecosystems, species extinction, world
hunger, chronic disease, economic inequality, and war, animal agriculture is
also the driving force in creating the inner mentality that drives conflict,
injustice, competition, and the various forms of social injustice that
plague our world today, and it also reduces our innate intelligence and
capacities to deal effectively with the problems we’re creating. Meals are
the most powerful and universal rituals in any culture, and the primary way
we learn about our relationship with nature, animals, and each other. In
Circles of Compassion, we learn how, from a rich and remarkably wide variety
of perspectives, the fundamental mentality required of us—to routinely
reduce living beings to mere meat and instruments to be used—drives the
engines that lead to racism, sexism, elitism, and classism, and the terrible
suffering these entail.
The good news is that with understanding comes empowerment. The authors
contributing to the Circles of Compassion vision share their insights into
the cultural, spiritual, emotional, and physical transformations they have
experienced through their research and their work to heal the wounds that
our culture inflicts on all of us growing up and living here. While all the
authors are vegan, their perspective is outward and it is engaged with the
larger social order, to inspire the larger social matrix with the power of
the vegan approach that illuminates the roots of our problems.
I am delighted to see the long-worked for birth of Circles of Compassion and
what it represents. I believe there is no more powerful message we can make
an effort to understand and articulate today. The quality of the writing in
the volume is superb, and the ideas are cutting edge. May the birth of this
new book help spur a new movement, and the needed rebirth of our culture’s
innate wisdom and compassion. May we together transform our individual and
collective lives to create a world that honors and reflects not only our
potential, but also the beauty, creativity, and abundance of our Earth and
the living web of life here.
Interested readers can find out more about
Circles of Compassion here.
Dr. Will Tuttle, author of the acclaimed best seller, The
World Peace Diet, is a recipient of the Courage of Conscience Award and creator of
several wellness and advocacy training programs.
A vegan since 1980 and former Zen monk, he has created eight CD albums of uplifting original piano music. He is a frequent radio, television, and online presenter and writer, and co-founder of Veganpalooza, the largest online vegan event.
He typically presents over 100 lectures, workshops, and concerts annually both in North America and worldwide.
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