Study of 2068 Vegans Helps Debunk Six of the Most Common Myths
Vegan Lifestyle Articles From
Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans,
animals, and the environment.
Free From Harm
May 2012
The findings of this study will give
vegans greater resolve for the lifestyle they have chosen and prospective
vegans greater confidence in making that transition.
People Love Plant-Based Diets - PDF.
Vegan From the Inside is a 2011 survey conducted by nutrition expert
Janice Stanger Ph.D. that shatters six common myths about the vegan diet.
2,068 vegans from the United States and around the world candidly share
their joys, rewards, and challenges.
The findings of this study will give
vegans greater resolve for the lifestyle they have chosen and prospective
vegans greater confidence in making that transition.
Here are the six myths
and the study findings that debunk them:
MYTH ONE: Vegans are pale, weak, and unhealthy because their diet lacks
protein and other vital nutrients.
Survey Says:
- 68.6% of respondents noted they got healthier after starting a 100%
plant-based diet, yet only 1.6% said their health declined. Most of the
other respondents had excellent health before beginning a plant-based eating
plan, and answered that their health continued at that same desirable level.
- 64.3% rate improving or maintaining health as a very important reason to
remain vegan.
- 55.2% said their energy level increased after going animal-free, as opposed
to only 2.2%
who said their energy level decreased.
- 44.2% enjoyed increased physical activity after adopting a vegan diet.
MYTH TWO. A vegan diet has too many “carbs” to be effective for weight loss.
Survey Says:
- 42.1% of respondents lost weight they wanted to lose after going
plant-based. Another 36.3% started at their ideal weight – and stayed there.
Only 5.3% stated they gained weight after starting a vegan diet.
- 73.4% enjoy cooking more since going animal-free. This is important for
weight loss because dieters generally have better control over food
ingredients and the amount they eat when they cook themselves.
MYTH THREE. A vegan diet is boring.
Survey Says:
- 96.7% of respondents enjoy the food they eat on a vegan diet.
- 94.4% intend to stay on a 100% plant-based diet for the rest of their life.
MYTH FOUR. A vegan diet is all about deprivation and lower quality of life.
Survey Says:
Again, just about every respondent enjoyed their food and virtually all
intend to stay on their eating plan forever.
Plant-based eaters indicated other rewards of their diet, including enjoying
cooking more (73.4%), making a difference for animals (90.8%) and the
environment (86.3%), feeling closer to animals and nature (70.5%), helping
others by being a good role model (69.6%), and feeling more spiritual
MYTH FIVE. A vegan diet requires a high level of discipline and is difficult
to stick to in the long-run.
Survey Says:
- According to 64.5% of respondents, transitioning to a plant-based diet
required some effort. 10.3% said it took a lot of effort, while 24.9% noted
the transition was effortless for them.
- Over time, not much discipline is required to remain vegan; 61.2% observe
staying on a vegan diet on an ongoing basis is effortless. Only 3.2% say it
takes a lot of effort.
The percentage who find staying vegan effortless rises the longer people
stay on a plant- based diet.
MYTH SIX. Vegans can’t enjoy eating out or other social get-togethers.
Survey Says:
- While 60.2% indicate eating out is less convenient, many respondents
wrote in the strategies they have developed to overcome this.
- The most common reaction that vegans see when someone learns they are
animal-free is curiosity, followed by surprise and willingness to
accommodate. These responses can build social bonds.
Download the pdf of the full study.
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