February 2008
What is a Meany Greenie?
Meany Greenies are environmental organizations that solicit donations in
pursuit of protecting the beauty and splendor of wildlife and nature but
also support hunting, animal slaughter, and animal farming.
This is both hypocritical and counterproductive to an otherwise noble and
tremendously important cause.
Meany Greenie...? You Decide.
This organization is commonly recognized by its panda logo. The largest
privately supported international conservation organization in the world,
with more than 1 million members in the U.S. alone, with an annual revenue
of $120 million + (as of 2005). It's mission is protecting the world's
wildlife and wildlands.
Meanwhile, they publicly endorse bludgeoning seals to death in Canada. Not
only do they endorse such barbaric violence to such a beautiful and docile
creature, but furthermore proclaim the act as a "humane" practice to the
seal population!
How can someone determine whether or not specific environmental organization is considered a "Meany Greenie?"
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