Guardian Takes Editorial Position: And It's Pro-Vegan
Articles Reflecting a Vegan Lifestyle From

Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.


Maria Chiorando,
September 2017

The piece, which is presented as the paper's view, rather than credited to an individual writer, is entitled The Guardian view on veganism: high in moral fibre.

"Vegans should be encouraged: their choice is high in moral as well as digestive fibre. Their detractors should stop crying over spelt milk."

The influential paper has taken an official position on veganism.

This week's news that Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn is eating more vegan food has created a slew of media reports dedicated to plant-based eating.

Now major British newspaper The Guardian has published an editorial on the subject.

The piece, which is presented as the paper's view, rather than credited to an individual writer, is entitled The Guardian view on veganism: high in moral fibre.

According to the piece, vegans - who are often mocked - 'should be praised'.


After Jeremy Corbyn said he was 'in the process' of eating more vegan food, a party spokesperson denied he was vegan. The Guardian has speculated this was down to fear of a 'backlash'.

The piece claims: "Vegans are often unreasonably mocked as do-gooders and sniped at for making dinner parties awkward for those who don’t like lentils quite so much.

"This is unfair: the diet does do the world good and if vegans provoke their friends into going vegan too, so much the better."


According to the article, there is 'a great deal of convincing data that breeding animals for food dirties the air and chews up the earth'.

It claims: "One recent peer-reviewed study from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine calculates that should the world go vegan, annual greenhouse gas emissions would halve and the new land used every year for each person would near-halve."

It also touches on the potential positive health impacts of eating plant-based, then concludes: "Vegans should be encouraged: their choice is high in moral, as well as digestive fiber.

"Their detractors should stop crying over spilt milk."

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