Rev. Linda McDaniel, UM Minister
November 2011
Christians are to be "a light unto the nations" with regard to:
The Scriptures do not make sharp division between moral and physical welfare.
The Christian Vision
1. Do not waste or destroy anything of value
"None shall hurt nor destroy in all God’s holy mountain" Is. 43 & 66
[Livestock agriculture is destructive and wasteful:
requires up to 20 times as much land and 10 times as much energy & water as
production of vegetarian foods.
soil erosion & depletion
water & air pollution related to use of pesticides & fertilizer
destruction of tropical rain forest and other habitats
potential for global warming
through destruction of forests to create land for grazing & production of food
66-70 percent of grain is fed to animals destined for slaughter]
2. Preserve Life
"God sent me here to preserve life" Gen. 45:5
"Take care and watch yourselves closely" Deut. 4:15b
The context of this verse is
God commanding Israel to reject idolatry.
God’s moral demand upon Covenant People
[Our idolatry may be self-absorption to the extent it hurts the earth, the
creatures (us and animals), and God.]
[The consequence of idolatry for Israel was the Exile. How are we now in exile?]
3. Pursue Peace (Peace with Justice Sunday in the UMC)
"There is no peace without justice."
Rather, violence results from unjust conditions.
[Animal agriculture, by wasting valuable resources, helps perpetuate widespread
hunger & poverty that eventually lead to instability & war.]
4. Glorify God in your body
"Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit."
"Your bodies are members of Christ."
[where people consume highest amounts of dairy, (animal protein) are the highest
rates of osteoporosis]
[large amounts of animal protein drain calcium from the body]
[5 percent of calories as protein is adequate (the amount in human milk)]
[Killer diseases are linked to animal-centered diets]
[It is virtually impossible to get insufficient protein on well-balanced
plant-based diets]
5. Compassion for animals
Ps. 145:9, Romans 8, Matthew 25
[Animals are raised for food under cruel conditions, in crowded cells, denied
fresh air, exercise, and any emotional stimulation, and fed and injected with
chemicals and hormones.]
[Mahatma Gandhi has stated that "The greatness of a nation and its moral
progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."]
6. Jesus said, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every
creature." Mark 16:1 (KJV)
Quotes from The Reverend Andrew Linzey, author of Christianity and the
Rights of Animals, Crossroad Press, 1987:
Other reasons for opposing HPI: Fiscal difficulties
Support of HPI’s buying and shipping of animals feeds into extremely negative
economic effects for individuals and governments.
Animal agriculture and consequent animal-centered diets are linked to killer
diseases which:
As Christians, we must take one first small step and withdraw our support for one small part of this System which is bound to displease God because of the harm it does to animals and humans and the planet.
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