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Articles Reflecting a Vegan Lifestyle From All-Creatures.org

Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.


New York Post
October 2009

Care for a “princely feast” of suckling pig, Cornish game hen, and filet mignon? Not if you’re Prince Fielder, the All Star home-run hitter with the Milwaukee Brewers, who hit more than .300 with 22 home runs, and knocked out 78 runs in the first half of the Major League Baseball season last year. He’ll have asparagus with rice and beans, thank you very much!


The 6-foot, 270-pound first baseman is a strict ethical vegetarian—converted after his wife shared Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin’s bestselling book “Skinny Bitch” with him. After reading about the mistreatment of animals in industrial hog and cow farms, the kindly Prince shed a tear and vowed never again to eat the flesh of caged animals.

When the news first broke the Prince’s fans held their breath, wondering if his bean and brussel sprouts diet would sap his strength, and whether his wife giving him “Skinny Bitch” was like Delilah cutting off of Samson’s hair. But luckily for the fans, the Brewers, and the game itself, the Prince has pulled a Popeye and keeps driving it out of the park on a regular basis.

This past July the first baseman cleaned up at the Home Run Derby warm-up before the All-Star Game in St. Louis—and won the competition, besting hometown favorite Albert Pujols of the Cardinals.

Wouldn’t you like to know what his wife is putting in that magic spinach! And wouldn’t his competition like to know as well. Maybe instead of that pre-game burger the other sluggers might want to spend a little more time at the salad bar and see if they can get a green recharge to kick-sprout their batting average.

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