Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.
Jason Jones
August 2018
I ate dead animals that I claimed to have loved. I wore dead animals that I claimed to have loved. Seriously, could I have been any more disconnected from who I was being versus what I was in my heart?
Brothers and sisters...
I am living proof that change is possible!
On the left was a conflicted, non-thinking, culturally driven, animal-loving follower. I used to always do what everyone else was doing just for the sake of fitting in and being accepted, and for the most part, none of it sat well in my heart. I did what I did because well, "we've always done it this way", even when I knew shit wasn't cool and it tore me apart inside.
Every fish I caught was met with feelings of heartbreak. I would apologize to the fish (silently of course, I couldn't let my friends see that side of me) and kept going because ummm, that was "normal." I paid people to harvest and kill animals for me. I ate dead animals that I claimed to have loved. I wore dead animals that I claimed to have loved.
Seriously, could I have been any more disconnected from who I was being versus what I was in my heart? I think not. It wasn't until I had a friend take me to my first animal sanctuary that I stopped, took the time to think, and actually made the connection of my part in this world and what I could and should be doing in it. I learned so much on that one trip, and went home appalled at my behavior.
I watched #earthlings [YouTube] (yes, the whole thing) and made a decision right then and there to no longer be part of the problem, and furthermore, wanted to be part of the solution.
And today you see who I've become.
I truly believe that we don't have to live this desensitized, socially conditioned way anymore. There are SO many alternatives to live, love, and teach compassionate choices, and in doing so, I believe that together... We CAN change this world! If you want to make a change for the better of everything under the sun, if you LOVE ANIMALS, love our planet, love your family, and cherish your health, please consider leaving meat and dairy off of your plates.
The world is capable of so much change...and that change starts with you!
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