Do YOU Want to Make a Difference?
Articles Reflecting a Vegan Lifestyle From

Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.


Lisa Selvaggio, Third Eye
March 2013

The harsh reality is that, unless you change the way you do things in your everyday life, nothing will change. The industries and the politicians are all stacked up against the animals, and they support only those who make money off animals that are raised on farms of any kind, whether it’s a dairy farm, a factory farm for meat, or a fur farm.

Why is it that, when people see images of cruelty being inflicted upon cats and dogs, they get angry and they say that the individual(s) responsible should be punished, yet when they see images of cruelty to farm animals or fur animals, they turn away and don’t want to know about it so that they can continue consuming products made from those animas?

Because humans are nothing more than conditioned robots. You do what you’re conditioned to do, believe what you’re conditioned to believe, think and feel what you are conditioned to think and feel. Only when you step out of those boundaries, out of those constraints, do you awaken and become truly human.

So, what do you say? How about we punish those who inflict harm upon and kill thousands of farm animals each day? How about we send them to court along with others who profit off meat and fur? Because, really, what’s the difference? An animal is an animal, whether they live in your home or not.

Well, the great thing is, you don’t have to wait for the laws to change or for the courts to punish. Your buying decisions are how you can hurt the industries and people who profit off animals. It takes a little more work than ranting about the situation and hoping someone else steps in, because it’s your choices, your information, your power that does the work. But it’s worth it.

The harsh reality is that, unless you change the way you do things in your everyday life, nothing will change. The industries and the politicians are all stacked up against the animals, and they support only those who make money off animals that are raised on farms of any kind, whether it’s a dairy farm, a factory farm for meat, or a fur farm. So if you want to extend your compassion to those animals that you don’t call “pets,” you really have to do your fair share of the work. You can’t just wait around for things to change, because they won’t. They just won’t. Not as long as animals can serve as profits for people.

So how do you go about changing the world with your actions and your buying power? First off, go vegan. This may turn you off in the beginning, but it really is the only way to save those animals. Don’t believe the lies behind “humanely raised farm animals,” because, in the end, they all end up in the same slaughterhouses, and there’s no such thing as humane slaughter, especially not with the types of people who work in those places, who get a rise out of torturing animals. But by choosing to be vegan, you have to change your entire lifestyle. You have to commit to not consuming or using any animal by-products, from the glycerin in your soap that was tested on animals in a lab, to the leather in your coat.

Money talks. We’ve always known that. So let it do the talking for you, if you really care. If you really want to change the world and leave a positive mark behind.

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