Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.
Judith McCoy Carman,
April 2018
What is the missing chapter—the stone unturned—the last big questioning of the Empire authority? It is the animal chapter. Animal exploitation, including experimentation, fur farms, circuses, zoos, rodeos, and animal agriculture spring forth from the dominator worldview that claims we have a right to force our will upon other species and brutally enslave, confine, kill, and eat them.
We are each, in our own way, at this most critical time, doing what we can to bring Earth Community into being. The simplest, least time consuming, most revolutionary, most culture transforming, and most anti-Empire act any of us can take right now is to stop supporting the war on animals.
What did David Korten leave out of his important book The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community? It is a key so important that if we do not address it and embrace it soon, our vision of Earth Community will remain just that—a vision with no chance of fulfillment. Are we ready for The Great Turning?
In this significant book, systems-analyst-environmentalist-activist David
Korten is imploring us to, and believing we can, Turn from living under the
Empire cultural mindset of domination to living in Earth Community. Empire
demands that cultures labor under a ruling elite which grows wealthier and
more powerful as it finds more ways to exploit all others. Most of the world
lives under the Empire model which requires war, the ravaging of nature, and
the economic and political control of people and animals in order to
maintain power. Earth Community is organized around the principles of
cooperation, mutual benefit, and partnership, and develops from the ground
up, not from the top down.
Don’t get me wrong. Every chapter of The Great Turning had me applauding.
It is a wealth of inspiration that helps us to visualize what Earth
Community can look like, to take action to make it happen before it’s too
late, and to believe we can do this.
As we go about “saving the earth” from ourselves, we are each struggling in
our own ways to rid ourselves of all vestiges of the dominator model. But,
as we all know, nearly all the systems—economic, educational, scientific,
religious, agricultural, corporate, political—that have influenced us from
birth, have been based on that model. As we work to transform our own
personal worldviews to one of Earth Community, we find we must be constantly
vigilant of our own thoughts, vigilant toward any anthropocentric vestiges
which we still may unconsciously hold. As we stand with one foot in the new,
not fully formed world of cooperation, love, and compassion and the other
foot in the current world ruled by the dominator worldview, it is difficult
sometimes to discern the source of our beliefs. But it is essential that we
do so.
What is the missing chapter—the stone unturned—the last big questioning of
the Empire authority? It is the animal chapter. Animal exploitation,
including experimentation, fur farms, circuses, zoos, rodeos, and animal
agriculture spring forth from the dominator worldview that claims we have a
right to force our will upon other species and brutally enslave, confine,
kill, and eat them. We can not hope to create Earth Community until we
face our complicity, our virtual agreement with this worldview, and put an
end to the horrors of animal agriculture and animal exploitation. Einstein
and Schweitzer both declared that humanity would never find peace until we
ended our war against animals.
In the Earth Community we envision, no women will be stoned, no children
will be sold into slavery, no one will starve because a giant corporation
has taken their farmland. Imagine it. And may we keep imagining it right
into being. But can we honestly believe that, while we work with all our
hearts to eliminate domination of human beings that it is still okay to
dominate animals?
If you catch yourself scoffing, looking down or away, or losing focus,
you are not alone. This is the last taboo. It is the taboo, as Will Tuttle
puts it, “against knowing whom you eat.” Most of us have never clear-cut a
forest, contaminated the sea with an oil spill, caught a million fish in
drift nets and thrown half of them back as trash, killed a whale, owned
human slaves, stoned or burned a woman to death, or ordered the bombing of
millions of civilians, but nearly all of us have gone to a zoo, taken a baby
cow’s milk away from him or her, and caused animals to die so that we could
eat and wear them. It’s not something anyone wants to think about for very
Korten mentions the “trance induced by the prevailing culture” [p. 84]. I
submit that there are multiple trances, and one by one, we awaken from them.
May we all awaken from the trance that has convinced us it is okay to
dominate, kill, and eat animals.As Korten said in his Summer, 2006 Yes!
journal article, “Absent an understanding of the history and implications of
this choice [between Empire and Earth Community] we may squander valuable
time and resources on efforts to preserve or mend cultures and institutions
that cannot be fixed and must be replaced.” [p. 12] The institutions of
animal domination cannot be fixed and made “more humane” in any meaningful
Jim Mason, author of An Unnatural Order: Why We are Destroying the
Planet and Each Other—A Manifesto for Change points out that the very
act of capturing animals and controlling their lives signaled the beginning
of the end of what appeared to be a goddess based, egalitarian, community
worldview that recognized the sacredness of all life and the importance of
cooperation for survival. Out of that age, a patriarchal elite class
developed and began to relentlessly expand its territories and wealth with
military power. Thus it was that domination of animals became a central
building block of ravenous Empire.
Let us take a look at what we have done to animals as a culture within the
Empire framework. Demonstrating our absolute power over them, we put them in
zoos; we force them to perform tricks in circuses; we torture them in
rodeos; we steal their fur, we confine billions of pigs, chickens, calves,
turkeys, ducks, and other animals in conditions so crowded and fouled with
their own waste that many of them die before slaughter; we take their babies
away and ignore their cries; we castrate, debeak, dock tails and ears all
without anesthetic. Human beings kill over 50 billion farmed land animals
worldwide annually and an estimated 50 billion aquatic animals.
We may Turn part way, but we will be doing it knowing of our own hypocrisy,
knowing that we are still clinging to one of the most powerful symbols and
lusts of patriarchy, and going forward with a great soul sickness. Without a
complete Turn, if we continue to do violence to innocent animals, we will
continue to be off course, and I don’t know how much longer we can
do that. If their children cannot inherit Earth Community, then sadly, I
believe, neither can our children.
We are each, in our own way, at this most critical time, doing what we can
to bring Earth Community into being. The simplest, least time consuming,
most revolutionary, most culture transforming, and most anti-Empire act any
of us can take right now is to stop supporting the war on animals. This
means we no longer eat them or steal their milk and eggs. This means we buy
only cruelty-free products and refuse to support zoos, circuses, and rodeos.
This means we gather them safely and gently into our circle of respect,
compassion, and love; into our and their Earth Community. Living in this
way expresses “the harmonious fulfillment of our inner seeing,” as Will
Tuttle points out in The World Peace Diet: Eating for Spiritual Health and
Social Harmony (p. 293).
May we Turn in time. May we leave no stony thoughts unTurned. May we Turn
with glad hearts, knowing we have set all beings free from human domination.
May all beings be free.
May all beings live in peace.
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