Peace ArticlesPeace Articles

Peace articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.

Quakers and The Lamb's War: A Hermeneutic for Confronting Evil

International Historic Peace Church Consultation
Bienenberg Theological Seminary, Switzerland, June 25-28, 2001
Gene Hillman (Reprinted by request of author with permission)

1.  Introduction

2.  The Characteristic of the Quaker Peace Testimony

3.  The Restoration and the Corporate Peace Testimony

4.  The Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania

5.  20th Century

6.  The Peace Testimony Today

7.  A Modern Hermeneutic

8.  Alternatives to Violence Project: A Model of Non-Violent Community

9.  Conclusion

10.  References

Gene Hillman is Coordinator of Adult Religious Education for Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), and represents Friends United Meeting on the Historic Peace Church/ FOR Consultative Committee. His experience in prison ministry has taken several forms including several years as lead trainer for AVP at Gander Hill prison in Wilmington, Delaware.

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