Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.
Jane Broccolo, Talks
With Pets
April 2016
Anyone want to start a “Meat Rehab” with me? We’ll put meat addiction right where it belongs: on the shelf with heroin and meth.
I could have used the support of a rehab while I was in recovery from
meat addiction in 1978. It was pretty lonely back then. Now, you can go
online and instantly receive support and encouragement if you’re a vegan
newbie, or wannabee.
Thanks to all
creatures posting yesterday, an article about the new book
Meat Hooked, my memory
recovered bits from my long ago recovery xperience to share with those who
might be having a tough time giving up their meat and dairy addictions.
This little tidbit from “Blood Thirst,” chapter 16, from my own book,
Like an Animal, is meant to give you something to chew on when you think
you just gotta get your meat/cheese fix:
What would we do without cannibals such as Jeffrey Dahmer
to remind us of what we are in the historic black holes of our hearts?
What are our empty hearts craving when we drool at the mere thought of
sinking our teeth into the flesh of an animal? Vitamin B12? (We can get that
from a vegan sublingual tab.)
The taste of who we were, or are yet to become?
We already know meat and dairy are the number one cause of colon cancer,
heart disease, diabetes, and a multitude of other deadly diseases, including
obesity. What are we after?
How is Jeffrey Dahmer’s palate any different than our own, aside from the
fact that he ate the flesh of human animals? Aren’t we also cannibals
lusting after the blood of animals who, in the larger scheme of life are our
blood relatives?
Jeffrey Dahmer is just another meat addict. So he ate humans. So what?
Even Science and the Pope finally now say that we are not superior to other
living beings. Just different. Just as every species is different from
According to our mom, mother nature, we’re all born equal in the scheme of
life on earth. She’s the true democrat.
If humanity, like every species, lived with respect for the democratic law
of nature, as free as the animals we haven’t yet got our hands on, there
would be no unhealthy addictions to separate us from the awesome animals we
truly are.
Want to start a “Meat Rehab” with me? I’m creating a fun 13-step program for
recovering addicts.
We’ll put meat addiction right where it belongs: on the shelf with heroin
and meth.
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