Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.
Terry Bear
April 2015
The crystal clear cry of THE SOLUTION, that we all heard ringing in our ears, minds, and hearts, that revolutionary weekend, was, and can only be to…."GO VEGAN"…right here, right now.
After attending the amazing World Vegan Summit, I felt a deep, inner calling to express my experiences of this life changing experience. Though these words fall short, I am hoping their soul felt source will shine through. In two short sentences: Going Vegan, four years ago, was the best thing I ever did. Attending the World Vegan Summit, in Marina del Rey, CA, was the next best thing I ever did.
I am still pinching myself to see if it was all a wonderful dream? Meeting so many mega giants of the world vegan community, (Will Tuttle, Phillip Wollen, Professor Gary Francione, Dr. Michael Klaper), just to name a few. I'm in awe of people's inspiring testimonials and journeys on the Vegan path. Mentally devouring volumes of invaluable information. Instant bonding and commaraderie, not to mention, the bounty of delicious, veganic foods.
I felt chosen, honored, my heartfelt quest and duty, to consciously tune into every moment. I didn't even want to blink, for fear of missing one morsel of the powerfully potent, vibrationally transforming energies I've ever experienced. Amongst this amazing group of like-minded people, with one collective vision, and power, all there for THE SOLUTION to save our planet, and ourselves. Thankfully, there were no huge conglomerate corporations in attendance, no bureaucratic, bellowing heads of government, and no meat/dairy deities dictating their deathly propaganda to pollute this pure, unadulterated, no-holds-barred, vegan clarion call to action.
Our collective, palatable urgency to define, declare, and decide that being the dairy/egg vegetarian was no longer acceptable, that Meatless Monday baby steps, are for babies, and that "Happy Meats" are off the table.
This was solely a grass roots, herculean, and humanitarian dream come true. First envisioned, choreographed, and orchestrated by Bob Linden, producer of Go Vegan Radio. This Vegan rebel with a cause to save "those who have no voice, and who have no choice". The billions of innocent, helpless, animals who are slaughtered every minute, of every hour, of every day, week, month and for more unimaginable years than can be fathomed.
All paths, that world changing weekend, pointed to the one, and only, solid solution to save our Earthly home. A universal, ureka, doable, and cost free answer. One solution to halt the devastation, the pollution, destruction, and rape of our Mother Earth--of which--over 51% of the damage is caused by factory farming.
The crystal clear cry of THE SOLUTION, that we all heard ringing in our ears, minds, and hearts, that revolutionary weekend, was, and can only be to…."GO VEGAN"…right here, right now. For/or within a matter of a few precious years, not only trillions more animals will be slaughtered, (mainly for our pleasure), we as a species will destroy ourselves along with them.
My takeaway, from the power, force, energy, and determination experienced at the first World Vegan Summit, was a refueling of my resolve, to BE and DO whatever I can, to clearly live, clearly speak and spread, the Vegan message. That is my purpose, my legacy, and my review of the Great World Vegan Summit.
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