Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.
Bridget Diana Soeder, Vegetarian Editor,
November 2006
Tofurky, developed by Turtle Island Foods, has been
distributed widely across the globe since 1995. Since it’s introduction to
stores throughout the U.S, Tofurky has quickly become the new Thanksgiving
centerpiece replacing the ‘real bird’ on dinner tables. Vegetarians and
non-vegetarians alike select Tofurky as their main course because it is
remarkably similar in taste, aroma, appearance and texture to a real turkey
roast. Of course, the best difference is that Tofurky is bird-free, 100%
vegan with zero cholesterol and reduced fat, which gives everyone a little
more to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.
Dr. Andrew Weil’s comments on celebrating a meat-free Thanksgiving:
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