The difference between veganism and a plant-based diet
Articles Reflecting a Vegan Lifestyle From

Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.


Vivian Grant Farrell, Tuesday's Horse / Advocate From Your Plate
May 2017

In a nutshell, the difference between a plant-based diet and veganism as I understand it can be found in the title. A plant-based diet is just that. No animals products in your diet. It is a dietary choice. Vegans eliminate the use of all animals products from their lives including their diets. It is a lifestyle choice. It also involves activism.

Some vegans are quite radical. It takes us all to make a Vegan Nation. If they make you nervous, that’s okay.

horse and hay

ADVOCATE FROM YOUR PLATE — Our Meat Out for Mustangs campaign has yielded a lot of interesting questions. One of the most common is what’s the difference between veganism and a plant-based diet.

In a nutshell, the difference between a plant-based diet and veganism as I understand it can be found in the title.

A plant-based diet is just that. No animals products in your diet. It is a dietary choice.

Vegans eliminate the use of all animals products from their lives including their diets. It is a lifestyle choice. It also involves activism.

This is how I have come to see it. However, I decided to look it up and see that it extends further.

Chloe at introduced me to additional philosophical concepts regarding the two.

Under the paragraph entitled “What’s the big f*#@! difference?” she writes:

Veganism is a philosophy deeply devoted to animal rights, and being a vegan (n.) is a lifestyle choice that involves diets, politics and ethics. Vegans (n.) not only eliminate animal products from their diet, but from all aspects of their lives. We’re talking – no leather, fur, wool or silk; products derived from insects (i.e. honey and beeswax); or toiletries that may be derived from and/or tested on animals.

When it comes to food, “plant-based” simply refers to whole, plant foods and NOT just foods considered to be “vegan”. For example, French fries or Oreos are in essence vegan, but are not considered to be “plant-based”, as neither product resembles that of their original plant form.

On the flip side, a “plant-based” meal may by definition be vegan, but a person who follows a plant-based diet is not necessarily a vegan (n.) – whereas they may consume only plant-based products but wear/use products that are derived from animals.

According to a wide variety of sources Veganism is the #1 trend of 2017 and we are very happy about that because it means a safer more peaceful world. It restores and preserves lives and the planet we all inhabit.

Save the Horses. Advocate From Your Plate. Google free image.

The Horse Fund and its blog Tuesday’s Horse are vegan.

How does adopting a vegan lifestyle help horses? A good example of that is not using medicines made from the urine of pregnant mares such as Premarin® cream and tablets. Please see also Advocate From Your Plate™.

Some vegans are quite radical. It takes us all to make a Vegan Nation. If they make you nervous, that’s okay.

Simply search out and experiment with vegan and plant-based recipes from the vast array available on the worldwide web. They are innovative, fun, non-judgmental and will titillate the taste buds of everyone.

Some of the most successful and highly trafficked recipe sites on the internet are run by vegans. So are their cookbooks. Some of them have even become celebrities. Heavenly.

We also highly recommend you follow One Green Planet. It is a fantastic resource for all sorts of vegan lifestyle information. How about this for example. What you should plant to attract bees to your vegetable garden. And 3 Insect-Repelling Perennial Plants for Your Garden or Patio.

Thank you for advocating from your plate — whether its once a day or for a lifetime — and being a part of the Tuesday’s Horse and Horse Fund family.

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