Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.
Bev Hahler on This Dish is
October 2010
The bi-partisan city council and mayor of America's Finest City has unanimously signed a proclamation declaring October 2nd to be the start of "San Diego Veg Week." The Animal Protection and Rescue League (APRL) is asking residents to go veg for the week to prevent animal cruelty, protect the environment and improve their health.
The proclamation can be viewed at, which also includes info on events taking place throughout the week and vegetarian discounts being offered at various restaurants. The proclamation's sponsor Councilmember Todd Gloria, as well as Assemblymembers Lori Saldana and Pedro Nava are pledging to go vegetarian for the week.
"October 2nd is the birthday of Mahatma Ghandi, who was vegetarian as part of his belief in non violence," says the proclamation. "Other great social justice leaders, such as Cesar Chavez, Coretta Scott King, and Dexter Scott King chose to be vegan to promote compassion to animals."
The proclamation also highlights:
"For the last several weeks, we have been signing people up outside of supermarkets and at street festivals to pledge to go veg for the week," states APRL campaign coordinator Sara Goldsmith. "For last year's Veg Week over 500 people took the pledge, and we will exceed that number this year."
"For individuals concerned about preventing animal cruelty, protecting their environment, or improving their health, the number one thing they can do is reduce or eliminate animal products from their diet," states Bryan Pease, Esq., co-founder and board chair of APRL. "Veg Week offers a fun, supportive environment for doing that and trying out new foods."
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