Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.
Be Fair Be Vegan
August 2016
Given the extraordinarily slow information processing rate that occurs in plants (hundreds of billions of times slower than in animals), it is unreasonable to believe that plants are capable of actually experiencing pain, which is an evolutionary adaptation intended to provide animals with cues to escape danger, something plants are incapable of doing.
Most people find genuine pleasure in the experience of harvesting fruit and vegetables, but few would find it enjoyable to watch an animal being killed. If you don’t share this perspective, try watching any one of the myriad of videos exposing the reality of animal slaughter.
From a purely scientific perspective, animals (including humans) process information with neural networks. But plants process information hormonally, which is orders of magnitude slower than neural network processing. Given the extraordinarily slow information processing rate that occurs in plants (hundreds of billions of times slower than in animals), it is unreasonable to believe that plants are capable of actually experiencing pain, which is an evolutionary adaptation intended to provide animals with cues to escape danger, something plants are incapable of doing.
That said, we should be concerned with the essential role plants play
with regard to the ecosystem and environment. Vegan choices actually do more
to protect plant life than eating an animal based diet, which wastes vast
quantities of plant food and other natural resources such as fresh water.
It is impossible to live on this earth without doing some damage, but
becoming vegan is the first step towards significantly reducing that damage.
Animals are net consumers, not producers. This means that every animal
raised for his/her flesh, eggs, milk, hair, skin or byproducts consumes more
food and resources than he or she produces. For example, it can take up to
16 pounds of grain (plant material) along with 2500 gallons of water to
produce 1 pound of beef.
As you can see, while vegans may directly eat more plants than the average non-vegan, the damage to plant life caused by the production of animal products is far, far greater than that caused by eating vegan.
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