Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.
There's an Elephant in the Room Blog
So there we have the jarring contrast; those species from whom we expect nothing but shared love and companionship, and those species that we cannot conceive of sharing time with unless we are using them in some way; species we have been brainwashed into seeing only in terms of ‘what’s in it for me’.
Only veganism recognises that cows are not ‘for’ anything that needs to concern us. Be vegan..
A recent comment on a post read, ‘What do you think cows are for?’ The
writer was raging against the facts relating to dairy use and consumption.
It was clear that they saw nothing wrong with their question as a line of
My first thought when I read the question was to smile and think, ‘well what
is anyone for?’ but a mental shake brought me back to earth. This was a
serious question, asked by an apparent adult who seemed utterly oblivious to
having asked the sort of question that would be at home in a child’s board
or cloth book.
I have often considered that such comments are meant simply to attract
attention and/or provoke argument for whatever ‘enjoyment’ trolling gives
the instigator. However on this particular occasion a different scenario
came to mind. Although I must call the scenario ‘imagined’, it rings so true
that it may in fact be a long-buried memory. And in that scenario is a small
child, asking their mother the questions that bubble and overflow from the
fertile and insatiably curious minds of small children everywhere:
‘But why? Why do I have to drink milk from cows? I don’t want to
drink milk from mummy cows. I’m not a baby, I’m big now.’
And the mother’s reply?
‘That’s what cows are for. Now just drink up your milk.’
That’s what cows are for
For several years my thoughts have kept returning to the phenomenon of our
unquestioning participation in the global atrocity of animal use, an
atrocity that sits in stark contrast to the popular perception of ourselves
as ‘animal lovers’. This particular comment asking what cows are for is a
typical one and is by no means unique or original. Examining the thoughts
that preceded my own awakening to veganism, I recall a similar and
unquestioning acceptance of childhood dietary coercion, preserved whole and
unexamined from a time of my earliest memories. I recall being taught about
a world centred round me as a child, a not-yet-understood world of resources
for my use and my wellbeing. As a child, I had only the information given to
me by my carers and I didn’t question it. ‘That’s what cows are for. That’s
what chickens are for. That’s what sheep are for. That’s what pigs are for…’
All this came to mind again today when reading of someone who rescued four
goats from a shelter. She is frequently asked why on earth she would want to
rescue goats unless she is using them for their breast milk. The same
question arises when vegans rescue chickens, with the assumption being that
it’s clearly naive and foolish to look after hens without helping oneself to
the eggs that our genetic meddling has caused them to self destruct by
producing. The rescuing of other ‘farmed’ species provokes the same
incredulous response. It seems that so many just can’t get their heads round
the idea that anyone could want to rescue and care for members of those
species that are habitually ‘farmed’ unless there are ‘benefits’ involved
that continue the very practices from which they have been rescued;
‘benefits’ that so frequently involve the unconsenting reproductive
exploitation of vulnerable companions.
What are dogs and cats for?
Yet clearly, if the question was to be turned around and addressed to those
same enquirers, most or many of whom have companion cats and dogs, it would
be met with incomprehension. ‘What are dogs for?’ or ‘What are cats for?’
‘What sort of question is that?’
Because we don’t need a reason for rescuing, for caring for, for loving
these species. We would never think to ask what they’re for. They give us
pleasure with their grace and their beauty. They engage us with their huge
personalities, their sense of fun and their companionship. We delight in
their unconditional devotion to us; in the warmth and affection they bestow
on us so readily and joyfully.
So there we have the jarring contrast; those species from whom we expect
nothing but shared love and companionship, and those species that we cannot
conceive of sharing time with unless we are using them in some way; species
we have been brainwashed into seeing only in terms of ‘what’s in it for me’.
Yet are these two groups of species inherently different in some way? Not at
all, and science provides more evidence of this every day.
Quite frankly, any difference is in our perception. As one species of
sentient creature, all other sentient species of creature have so much in
common with us that it beggars belief, not only that we arbitrarily
compartmentalise them so that we can brutalise some while adoring others,
but that we cling to childhood tales in our efforts to ignore the bloodbath
that we are directly demanding as consumers, while sincerely claiming that
we ‘love animals’.
Who belongs to whom?
As human animals, the only individual that truly belongs to each of us, is
the one we see when we look in a mirror. Other individuals, whatever their
species, do not ‘belong’ to us other than by some humanocentric system of
‘ownership’ that we forcibly impose and to which they most definitely do not
It is unspeakable that a single species should assume such self-importance
that our convenience and unnecessary preference casts every other species in
terms of their usefulness (and financial profitability) for us. Despite our
fond notions of ourselves as ‘animal lovers’, it is only through acts of
violence and depravity that we bring others into the world to be used for
our interests at the expense of their own. The truth is that others are not
‘for’ anything that has to do with us.
Only veganism recognises that cows are not ‘for’ anything that needs to
concern us. Be vegan.
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