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Articles Reflecting a Vegan Lifestyle From All-Creatures.org

Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.

FROM Vegan Poet
April 2020

A product is vegan when it's made of plant ingredients, not refined using animal-derived ingredients, and not tested on animals.

Butterfly Katz
Butterflies Katz, The Vegan Poet

I've been vegan for four decades and have lived in both hemispheres, thus I have sampled a lot of vegan products! Here are some recommendations along with my reasons. I suggest eating whole foods, but also enjoy some vegan snacks.

None of the vegan goodies were available when I went vegan, so it's exciting for me. I regard “fair-trade” as a part of being vegan. I don't believe in products of human slavery any more than products derived from the slavery of other species.

A product is vegan when it's made of plant ingredients, not refined using animal-derived ingredients, and not tested on animals. While I do not eat a lot of processed foods, for some people the plant-based alternatives to meat and dairy are necessary for them to remain vegan. In the United States, Costco, Walmart, and Trader Joe's offer vegan products at economical prices.

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