The Fowler's Trap
Animals: Tradition - Philosophy - Religion

FROM Nathan Roberts
September 2019

The simple truth is this: the devil has fooled you into thinking that your interpretation of God's word gives us the right to choose our source of food at whatever cost. Forget the toll on the earth. Forget the toll on the innocent beings themselves. We cannot forget the devil is using our stomachs as a long road to destruction.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, I call upon you to look into the eyes of the innocent and look upon the face of the slaughter and choose the side on which you will reside during your time here on earth. I come to you from the high desert in the ancient lands of the indigenous tribes’ yearly meeting grounds near Garden of the Gods in Colorado. My words will be frank and clear as the Lord has laid it upon my heart and mind to speak to you with the authority given to me through Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.

The fat of the lamb is killing my dear brothers and sisters from all over the world at record pace. The enemy is using the very food system which God has allowed us to eat as a weapon in his warfare against the Kingdom of God. We have all been deceived and blinded by the facts. Even as I sit here writing, our Governors are being taken out as well by the prostitute of gluttony. Even though the rich are benefitting they also are being killed. I beg of you to return to the Garden of Eden.

Return to the Lord! Be it known that this battle is not only for our bodies but is actually for our souls. The enemy is using the food system to allow those unbelievers and the believers of Jesus Christ alike to die in droves. Why? To take us out! More people will die younger doing less work for the kingdom as we all know that a young woman or man has less experience of life in the realization of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It will be less evident with a young person therefore, like a language substitute, when the words get weaker and weaker over time becoming less effective with each passing generation. We need our health so we may “run the race” and not die out under the knife of the slaughterer.

Is it not enough that we kill 70 billion land animals and over 2 trillion marine animals a year? The enemy is crafty! He is using our gut to ruin our chances to advance the kingdom. Watch out! The Fowler's net cannot be seen in flight and unless you see him, the devil, set up the trap, you too will never see this coming.

If you so choose to dismiss my warnings from the Lord God Almighty himself, then you will choose to participate in the work of the evil one. Jesus Christ does not accept the killing of his children in this form, as space in heaven will never reach capacity with us the elders and young fools giving in to this method of robbing the King of his chance to be with his children forever and cutting the life short of the believer so they are ineffective and useless for the kingdom.

Pastors, you feed God's children the fat of the lamb while choking out the opportunity for showing them a different path to God. If 20 years was added to your life, how many more people could you get into my Heavenly Father's house? The simple truth is this: the devil has fooled you into thinking that your interpretation of God's word gives us the right to choose our source of food at whatever cost.

Forget the toll on the earth. Forget the toll on the innocent beings themselves. We cannot forget the devil is using our stomachs as a long road to destruction. My very own mother who worked tirelessly to advance the kingdom fell victim to this form of slow death and was rendered ineffective and useless for the kingdom because of the enemy's grip on the social acceptance of food. From the prisons to the pulpits the enemy is lurking and hiding in plain sight!

Wake up! It makes no sense to feed my face while draining the very blood from my body. What more to feed the face of the unbeliever while draining their souls which could have been won by staying in the devil's domain a little while longer to bring more people into the fold of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior? This world is the devil’s house until the Lord returns. Let us be innocent of this crime which now we knowingly commit now that I have presented you this clear message from God our Heavenly Father from whom all our blessings flow.

In this letter I cast no judgment onto you. I cast no doubt that once you see as I see that the devil is getting better at deceiving mankind. Even the trusted, wealthy and revered amongst the church are being caught in the fowler's trap. I will never tell you to eat a diet which I have modified (Vegan) to make sure my footprint on the earth, myself and the abuse of power upon the most innocent is the lightest possible; but I will tell you this: the devil is making it easy for us to fall!

As the time draws near for which Jesus Christ’s return is imminent the methods of ensuring souls get into the slaughterers “layers of denial” will become so hidden even the best and brightest of our day, believer and non-believer, will be deceived. Let it be known that every second the destruction continues we, the Body of Christ, continue to consume and we multiply only to be cut short.

If we hear this message from God our Father in heaven, we can add to the kingdom while saving our own lives a little while longer. All this is rooted in our original sin nature: the original deception.

I have taken 4 years to carefully study this subject matter only to have all my findings thrown out and replaced by the realization that the devil is killing the believer, young and old alike, with normal and accepted means. No one is talking about it. 500,000 plus souls are lost every year in the Native American Lands (USA) alone! How many more millions of souls are being lost for the kingdom?

I thought it was about our health, the preservation of the earth and the animals’ welfare and right to live but it is not! It has always been and going to be about the battle of God and Satan (Heaven and hell). Which side will you choose now that you know? Turn, repent and spread the Good News of the Living God who through me is alive and well today and forever!!

In Christ Jesus,
Nathan, a sinner and disciple of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

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