Words fail to convey the delicious, healing, and positively transformational effect of immersing completely into lakes, streams, rivers, and oceans, especially if they are clean and alive.... Cells cell-ebrate in water, their essence. Mentally, the mind relaxes and focuses in a natural meditative state.
By cultivating a love of water and swimming, I have been profoundly sensitized to the devastating impact of animal agriculture on beloved and vulnerable rivers, lakes, and oceans, as well as on forests, prairies, and mountains. For me, veganism is an expression of love and caring for all life that is celebrating on this Earth, and the more we can understand and appreciate nature, beyond the conceptual prisons imposed by our upbringing in a herding culture, the more joyfully and effectively we can live our lives and contribute to the healing of our world.
One of our most valuable inner resources is intuition: the internal
guidance system that assists us to live our unique life with authenticity
and meaning. Our intuition helps us make connections, and is thus one of the
main driving forces in urging us to move toward vegan living, as well as to
become more joyful, creative, and effective in our lives.
During our upcoming
Healing Our World retreat and World Peace Diet facilitator training
October 18-20 in northern California, we’ll be sharing and exploring some of
the ways we can cultivate and develop our intuition. One of the seven keys
I’ve found is to do our best to connect with nature, every day if possible.
Walking, camping, swimming, gardening, sunbathing, “earthing,” (being
barefoot), star-gazing, bird-watching: there are many ways we can explore.
One of my favorites is swimming, especially in cold water. I find cold,
clean water to be not just invigorating, but healing and spiritually
uplifting as well.
On this lecture tour, we flew into Fargo from San Francisco and I feel
fortunate that we’ve been able to swim in lakes virtually every afternoon.
Minneapolis and Madison are both blessed to have swimming lakes, and lovely
and mighty Lake Michigan, larger than Switzerland, is just a few feet away
as I write this in Traverse City, after four days of daily swims traveling
to Evanston, South Bend, Grand Rapids, and here.
Words fail to convey the delicious, healing, and positively transformational
effect of immersing completely into lakes, streams, rivers, and oceans,
especially if they are clean and alive. With practice, anything is possible,
and I’ve found that awareness of the immense benefits of cold water make it
relatively easy to overcome the seemingly instinctual fears and the initial
shock, and to begin to relish the experience.
For the past thirty years, I’ve done my best to immerse and connect with
living water, wherever we happen to be in the world, so that means most of
the states and provinces of North America, as well as many places in South
America, Africa, Asia, Europe, and Australia. Now that—after 18 years
traveling in an RV—we have a house in northern California, we have installed
an outside shower, so between that and our nearby lake, we have not used our
inside shower in five years. For Madeleine and me, there’s nothing like
coming home at night and taking a cold shower under the stars before heading
to bed!
Water purifies and cleanses our energy field. All of us are bombarded with
EMF fields, and deal with the stresses of modern living. I’ve found that
several things happen when immersing, for example, into the Danube or
Deschutes River, or the Mediterranean Sea, or Lake Geneva, or Walden Pond,
or a mountain lake or stream, or a shower under the trees and stars.
Physically, it seems that every cell is rejuvenated and starts rejoicing.
Cells cell-ebrate in water, their essence. Mentally, the mind relaxes and
focuses in a natural meditative state. Emotionally, a deep sense of joy and
gratitude fills the heart. Spiritually, I feel I connect with not only a
universal presence, but also with the presence of the locale where I am.
Before delivering a lecture here in Traverse City this evening, for example,
Madeleine and I will swim in the lake to deepen our connection with all the
people here—both the human people and the animal people—and with the unique
energy and inspiration in this area, and re-dedicate ourselves to being part
of the healing of our world. The water in an area seems to have within it
essential information about that area that we can tune into. Also, as we
travel, we find enormous healing power in nature and in water. If I feel a
little cold coming on, a sure way to eliminate it is a swim in a cold lake
or stream!
In the final analysis, we will only protect what we love, and we will only
love what we experience and understand. By getting outside and into nature
and walking, jogging, swimming, sleeping close to the Earth, and
contemplating the natural sounds, aromas, designs, patterns, colors, and the
textures of wind and water, our intuition is nourished and awakened, and we
drink of living presences that inspire us to love, protect, and help heal
our world and all our fellow passengers on this abundant Earth.
By cultivating a love of water and swimming, I have been profoundly
sensitized to the devastating impact of animal agriculture on beloved and
vulnerable rivers, lakes, and oceans, as well as on forests, prairies, and
mountains. For me, veganism is an expression of love and caring for all life
that is celebrating on this Earth, and the more we can understand and
appreciate nature, beyond the conceptual prisons imposed by our upbringing
in a herding culture, the more joyfully and effectively we can live our
lives and contribute to the healing of our world.
Though I’ve certainly made my share of mistakes, I’m profoundly grateful for
several things I’ve gotten right, including vegan living, a love of water
and nature, and the importance of self-inquiry, meditation, and intuition.
Thanks for saying yes to life!