Sea Shepherd's position has never been anti-Makah, our position has been and always will be pro-life for all species of whales.
Today's L.A. Times article is much more objective that the biased N.Y. Times article two weeks ago and certainly much more objective than the recent pro-whaling editorial in the Seattle Times.
Sea Shepherd opposes the killing of whales by anyone, anywhere, for any reason.
The Makah have a treaty with the United States that they say allows them to kill whales.
Elizabeth Warren has stated that she supports to resumption of whaling in the United States by the Makah. These whales do not belong to Elizabeth Warren nor do they belong to the United States or the Makah. The whales belong to the Cetacean Nations, they belong to themselves, independent of any claims by any hominid population.
Killing a self aware, highly intelligent, socially complex sentient being, is murder.
Sea Shepherd's position has never been anti-Makah, our position has been and always will be pro-life for all species of whales.
Sea Shepherd presently opposes illegal whaling by Norway, Japan, Iceland, Denmark, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and in the United States We have never discriminated on the basis of nationality, race or culture.