As human trials proceed without animal tests and modern technology elucidates the disease process based on human relevant models, the futility, senselessness and irrelevance of animal tests has never been more apparent.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) is currently infecting millions of people around the world at record speed, resulting in tens of thousands of deaths. The lack of any treatments or method of prevention has created a need of unprecedented urgency.
Since its inception CAARE has worked tirelessly to reveal not only how animal experiments are failing, but how they can be replaced with superior, modern, human relevant methods. Now we’ve applied our research expertise to demonstrate that the coronavirus can and must be addressed without the use of animals.
At least two vaccine trials have bypassed what was previously considered “essential” animal testing to expedite them to urgently needed human trials.
Scientists are also utilizing antibodies from recovered people and infusing them into infected patients. Several human trials have already shown positive results, even as some labs are trying this method on animals. The urgency of the situation has allowed totally human trials to move forward, demonstrating that the animal tests are unjustified and unnecessary.
The world’s fastest supercomputer, IBM’s Summit, has now identified 77 compounds that could potentially treat COVID-19 while human cellular models are helping to understand key physiological processes specific to COVID-19 infection in humans.
Viscient Biosciences recently became the first company to find drug targets through 3D bioprinted disease models. It hopes to do the same for COVID-19 by utilizing lung tissue models created with cells from patients infected with COVID-19.
SScientists at Harvard’s Wyss Institute have developed a SARS- CoV2 infection model utilizing micro-physiological models of the human lung that will allow them to research COVID-19 infections.
Micro-physiological models of the human lung
Despite these innovative, non-animal technologies, labs are working furiously to create “animal models” of COVID-19. At the same time, masses of animals are being killed because caring for them during the pandemic has been deemed such a low priority that it’s easier to kill them.
As human trials proceed without animal tests and modern technology elucidates the disease process based on human relevant models, the futility, senselessness and irrelevance of animal tests has never been more apparent.
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