Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.
It’s time to change the health of the world, even if it’s one meal at a time.... The very idea of what we stand for - kindness and compassion for all creatures, making a lighter footprint on the planet, wasting less, standing for peace - all threaten the status quo.
An EVEN [Eugene Veg Education Network] exclusive interview – with Christina Pirello Chef, Educator, Activist, Author
Christina Pirello, MFN, is one of America’s preeminent authorities on healthy living with natural and whole foods at its core. This free-spirited, vivacious redhead with a radiant personality delivers her much-needed message to the world in an inspiring and engaging way. She’s made it her purpose in life to show the world that everyone can look their best, and feel great, too, by understanding the impact of food on day to day wellness.
Christina’s love affair with food began at a young age when she spent many happy hours cooking with her mother, who centered the family life in her Italian kitchen. That joy of cooking prepared Christina to understand the healing power of food; an understanding she would put to its test at age 26 when she was diagnosed with terminal leukemia.
By the time her illness was identified, the cancer had already advanced to an acute stage. Her doctors gave her little chance of recovery, and her options with conventional medical therapies were limited. She was told she had only months to live and to prepare herself for the inevitable.
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