Beating a Fish...
A Fishes Article from

July 2020

The goal of fishing derbies is to get kids "hooked on fishing." Children are consistently lied to by being told that the fishes don't experience pain and that this is just the circle of life.

beating a fish

A father, being such a wonderful role model for his children, beats a fish to death as they suffocate with a hook through their mouth.

Fishes experience pain just like we do, experience emotions as we do, and their sentience is just as real and clear as our own. They aren't lesser beings, they are only viewed as lesser beings by the most biased and arrogant and anti-nature species on the planet. This trout was born in a hatchery and transported to and dumped in this lake for people who want to trick and capture and kill fishes for fun.⁣

At this youth fishing derby parents bring their children who have or haven't ever "fished" before and the goal of fishing derbies is to get kids "hooked on fishing." Some kids love capturing and killing fishes and others find it unpleasant and disgusting. For those who find it unpleasant and want no part in it, there is often pressure from the parents and the volunteers to take more joy in it and to "not be such a girl." Children are consistently lied to by being told that the fishes don't experience pain and that this is just the circle of life.⁣

The violent and cruel activity of "fishing" is considered peaceful and innocent and a source for getting back to nature and experiencing family fun. Proponents of fishing say it gets kids away from TV and video games, but why can't kids get away from television and video games without being so violent, hostile, and torturous to others? There are endless activities and types of relaxation and socializing one can do outdoors without resorting to pulling innocents out of their environment, only to be brutalized for fun and/or a non-essential meal.

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