Fish are smart and social creatures that want to live in peace and freedom. But like other animals constantly being exploited by massive industries, fish are abused and killed for profit. In fact, more fish are killed for food annually than all other animals combined.
Fish are smart and social creatures that want to live in peace and
freedom. But like other animals constantly being exploited by massive
industries, fish are abused and killed for profit. In fact, more fish are
killed for food annually than all other animals combined. Fish are being
exterminated at a shocking rate and the numbers of fish killed every year is
in the trillions. Whether fish are captured in the wild or raised on
aquafarms, they suffer tremendously before their untimely death.
Furthermore, the fishing industry is destroying our beautiful oceans and the
environmental impact is huge.
Read on to learn more about the fish industry and how it affects the future
of our planet.
1. Oceans are Being Destroyed
The fishing industry leaves a destructive path wherever it goes. Fish
populations have been depleted and ocean ecosystems around the world are
suffering. According to Greenpeace, there are too many boats trying to catch
too few fish and humans have already removed at least two-thirds of large
fish in the ocean. Oceans and waterways are being polluted by large scale
fishing operations. Massive vessels are able to capture more fish than ever
before leaving behind a destructive path and devastating marine habitats.
Bottom trawling is a term used when huge weighted fishing nets are dragged
along the sea floor extinguishing everything in their path. Coral and sponge
communities that have been around for thousands of years in the ocean are
destroyed from this and may never recover. The fish species that have not
been captured by the huge nets that were dependent on coral and sponges for
shelter, protection and food are left with nothing and are disappearing too.
It has been estimated that approximately 95% of global ocean damage is from
bottom trawling.
2. Impacts of Industrial Fishing
Industrial or commercial fishers use enormous ships the size of entire
football fields and track fish with electronic gear to capture as many as
possible. These boats contain huge freezers that allow them to store the
seized fish for months at a time while out at sea. Another technique used in
commercial fishing besides bottom trawling is the use of longlines. Boats
drag long fishing lines through the water at various depths with hooks
attached to them and they are left out overnight. The lines are up to 50
feet long and lure in any sea creature in the area looking for a meal. Once
fish are stuck on the hooks they drown, bleed to death, or struggle for
hours. Bycatch such as sea birds, turtles and whales are thrown away as they
are considered useless to the fishing industry (more on this below). Another
method used by the commercial fishing industry is purse seines. This type of
net, known for luring in tuna, has raised controversy over the years because
this method of fishing frequently tracks pods of dolphins since they are
known to swim with large schools of tuna. These cruel nets trap hundreds of
tuna, as well as cod and haddock. If the fish are still alive in the nets
after being dragged to the deck of the boat their gills are slit while
completely conscious.
3. Life and Death on Aquafarms
If you have ever seen photos of fish on aquafarms the images are haunting.
Fish are forced to spend their whole lives in dirty cramped enclosures.
While in this unnatural environment and unable to swim freely, many fish get
diseases and parasitic infections as well as devastating injuries. Since the
spaces are so small, the fish are constantly knocking against each other and
onto the sides of their tanks, which causes fin damage and sores. Fish
farmers want increased profits so they cram as many fish as they can into
the tiniest space causing major overcrowding. It has been reported that huge
fish farms can keep over one million fish at a time and span the size of
four football fields. About half of all fish consumed around the world are
raised on these land or ocean-based aquafarms. Animal Equality explains that
fish can spend up to two years confined to their tiny spaces and the toxic
water is often filled with faeces, pesticides and parasites. They also
report that a two-acre fish farm can produce as much waste as a city of
10,000 people. The aquaculture industry is growing at a rapid pace as more
natural fisheries are becoming used up.
4. Fish Feel Pain
It is a common misconception that fish do not feel pain. Fish biologists,
scientists and veterinarians that have studied pain in fish increasingly
believe that the reality is fish do feel pain. Despite this, fish are often
left out of legal protections that other animals have when it comes to
animal welfare legislation and nonhuman vertebrates. Fish have nervous
systems that respond to pain in various ways and neurobiologists have
recognized this for years.
It has been proven fish have neurotransmitters produced by their nervous systems to relieve pain. Studies have explored the fact that fish experience and react to pain even though they have different brain structures than humans. So just because they don’t audibly scream when a hook is pierced or rips though their mouth, evidence shows fish suffer from this type of torture. Other studies have shown that fish feel fear when they are chased and this goes beyond a simple reflex. Fish fight for their lives when they are caught; whether it’s the “sport” of fishing and they are plucked from their home with sharp hooks, entire schools of fish are swept up in massive nets and sliced open while still alive, or they are left to flop around on decks without water.
5. Sea Creatures Caught in Nets
Wild caught fish are not the only casualties of the fish industry because
wherever there is fishing, there is bycatch. As previously mentioned,
bycatch such as sea birds, turtles and whales are often caught in the nets
when bottom trawling. Other sea creatures that fall victim to the fishing
industry are sharks, seals, porpoises, and other fish that are not the main
target for the nets or longlines. The nets catch everything in their path
and the unwanted victims are thrown overboard and either slowly bleed to
death in the water or get eaten by swarming birds. This method of fishing is
also harmful to marine environments and destroys our planet. PETA explains
that shrimp trawlers discard 60 – 80 percent of their catch, which is not
only terrible for the animals caught in the nets but environmentally
destructive. It has been estimated by scientists that over 650,000 marine
mammals are either killed or seriously injured every year by the commercial
fishing industry. The reality is the fishing industry is responsible for so
much death and destruction including the forgotten victims that are just
thrown away because they are deemed useless.
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